
pài fā
  • distribute;hand out;sell
  1. 股票股息被SD分配不是一个责任,因为那里是没有义务派发现金或任何其他资产。

    The Stock Dividend to be Distributed account is not a liability , because there is no obligation to distribute cash or any other asset .

  2. 那么,我派发肉糜相当,甚至左右。

    Then I distribute the minced meat fairly even around .

  3. 活动人士派发了有关被动吸烟的宣传页。

    Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking .

  4. 他的徒弟、一心想讨师傅欢心的小精灵帕琪受命离开北极,奔赴大城市纽约派发礼物。但帕琪却卷入了一个卑鄙的玩具大亨的阴谋中,后者想要掌控圣诞市场。

    But when Santa 's eager-to-please elf Patch leaves the North Pole for the big streets of New York City , he becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon 's plans to take over Christmas .

  5. 由于MobileAgent本身固有的移动性,必须定位派发出去的Agent,以便和它通信。

    Due to the inherent mobility of Mobile Agent , it is important to locate agent dispatched to the net to communicate with .

  6. 美国审计总署(GovernmentAccountabilityOffice,GAO)报告说,联邦政府已向州政府及地方政府派发290亿美元经济刺激资金,这些资金到位速度很快。

    The Government Accountability Office reports that state and local governments have received twenty-nine billion dollars so far .

  7. 该框架主要包括调度模块和派发模块两个部分,两者协同工作完成了整个实时CORBA系统的资源分配过程。

    Their co-operation makes resource allocation process of the whole real-time CORBA system successful accomplishment .

  8. 他们不能相信他们的眼睛:巨大的帐篷,普萨达派发,文化展览,奉献者乐队,人群,所有一切。我的神兄弟,B。

    They couldn 't believe their eyes : the huge tent , the prasadam distribution , the cultural exhibits , the devotee bands , the people , everything .

  9. 为了使与苹果的联系更加完美,该公司甚至向观众免费派发迷你iPad。

    To complete the Apple connection , the company even handed out free iPad minis to the audience .

  10. 美联储(fed)希望美国银行接受年度压力测试,如果它们不能通过测试,美联储将保留否决派发股息的权利。

    The Federal Reserve wants to subject US banks to annual stress tests , reserving the right to veto dividend pay-outs if they do not pass .

  11. KingDigital周二公布实现盈利,并向股东派发1.50亿美元的巨额特殊股息,但股价未能达到华尔街激进的目标价格。

    King Digital posted a profit on Tuesday and issued a sizable $ 150 million special dividend to its shareholders , but it failed to meet Wall Street 's aggressive price targets .

  12. 咨询机构凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)的一份最新报告指出,即便美国企业界只派发10%的现金储备,也有望将年度可支配收入增加近2%。

    Even if firms only paid out a modest 10 % of their liquid assets , it could raise annual disposable income by nearly 2 % , according to a new report by capital economics .

  13. (比如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)去年以来就在向符合条件的业主派发最高三万美元的现金。)这导致折价出售的短售房多了起来。

    ( Bank of America , for instance , has been offering as much as $ 30,000 to qualifying homeowners since last year . ) That 's led to more short sales selling at a discount .

  14. 此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。

    All this added to his bizarre track record , which now includes trying to buy The New York Times , handing out ' Fresh Air ' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets .

  15. 通过基于Web技术的北京联通服务优化调度系统,调度员可以通过浏览器随时派发任务给可用的工程师,工程师也可以通过浏览器直接访问位于服务器上的任务信息,并对任务进行操作。

    By using the Service Optimize Scheduling System of Beijing Unicom based on Web Technology , schedulers can assign tasks to available engineers with web browser at anytime ; engineers can access the task information in the server and operate the tasks .

  16. 随着台湾肥料(taiwanfertilizer)的海外股东要求派代表加入董事会并争取派发现金,台湾政府即将面临外国投资者发起的首次重大挑战,要求其提高政府控股企业的回报率。

    Taiwan is on the verge of its first major challenge to the government by foreign investors to improve returns at a state-controlled company as overseas shareholders of Taiwan Fertilizer push for board representation and cash pay-outs .

  17. 在EDT中执行长时间运行的任务会导致您的应用程序停止响应,因为GUI事件会在事件派发队列累积。

    Performing long-running tasks on the EDT will cause your application to become unresponsive because GUI events will accumulate in the event dispatch queue .

  18. 在175周年纪念日来临之前,美国纽约市上西区64岁的退休英语教师亨利·纳斯已经连续几周在街头派发倡导“国际OK日”的卡片。

    Henry Nass , a 64-year-old retired English tutor from the Upper West Side , has spent the last few weeks handing out cards championing " Global OK Day " in advance of the coming anniversary .

  19. AIG在这场论战中没有优势,它也不是唯一在接受救援的同时派发奖金的被公开资助的公司。

    AIG is no stranger to controversy , nor is it the only publicly rescued company to give bonuses while being bailed out of financial ruin .

  20. 在系统的物流管理中心,物流运输管理信息系统的GPS功能模块负责与移动通信链路及车载终端的信息进行交互,完成各种信息的分类及定位信息的派发。

    In the Logistics Management Center of the system , the GPS function module of Logistics Transportation Management Information System is in charge of information exchange with mobile communication and On-vehicle Terminal , information classification and transmitting location information .

  21. 这就解释了为什么越多越多的API提供者派发开发者密钥:不仅为了加强这些访问规则或度量访问量,还关系到对整合生态系统的管理。

    This is why we see more and more Web API providers issue developer keys : it is not just about enforcing these rules or metering usage , it is also about managing the entire ecosystem .

  22. 公司领导者一直非常看重员工的满意度和幸福感。最近,在公司被出售给亚马逊时,CEO给每位员工派发了一个Kindle阅读器和一份奖金。

    Company leaders are so committed to employee fun and satisfaction that when the company was sold to Amazon recently , the CEO gave each employee a Kindle and bonus .

  23. 专注于亚太地区的经纪商里昂证券(CLSA)的分析师表示,近些年来,亚洲企业派发股息变得越来越普遍。

    Dividends have been gaining popularity among Asian companies in recent years , according to analysts at CLSA , the Asia-Pacific-focused brokerage .

  24. 如果一家公司拥有大量现金,投资者却总是要乖乖地等待着公司的派发,就像英国女王发放救济金(MaundyMoney)一样,那才是奇怪的。

    It would be strange for investors always to wait meekly for a handout , like Maundy Money from the Queen , when a company has lots of it .

  25. Nutter打算使用JVM的Invokedynamic将Rhino的派发机制直接连接到JVM的优化编译器上。

    Nutter plans on employing the JVM 's Invokedynamic to wire up Rhino 's dispatch mechanism directly into the JVM 's optimizing compiler .

  26. 他的这番言论引发了该公司再次派发巨额股息的猜测,和记电讯国际股价今年仅下跌16%,而基准恒生指数(hangsengindex)跌幅已达49%。

    His statement fuelled speculation of another big payout from the company , which has dropped only 16 per cent this year , compared with a 49 per cent decline in the benchmark Hang Seng Index .

  27. 世界粮食计划(WFP)表示,他们已经向450000人口派发了300万份等额供应,相当于接近1000万餐。

    The World Food Program says it has delivered three million rations , the of nearly 10 million meals , to 450000 people .

  28. 大宗商品市场10年来最糟糕的低迷昨日笼罩采矿业。业内最老牌的公司之一英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)暂停派发股息,并宣布将裁掉三分之二员工。

    The worst slump in commodity markets for a decade engulfed the mining sector yesterday after Anglo American , one of the industry 's most venerable names , shelved its dividend and said it would cut two-thirds of its workforce .

  29. 我们必须工作在没有invokedynamic的JVM上,因此必须做很多额外的事情来保证动态派发能正常工作。

    We have to work on JVMs that don 't have invokedynamic , so we carry around a lot of cruft and overhead to make dynamic dispatch work well .

  30. 在此基础上,按照实时CORBA动态调度的规范,提出了一个动态调度服务框架的总体设计方案,该方案采用了模块化的实现思想,其关键功能模块有:调度模块和派发模块。

    Upon this , According to the dynamic scheduling specification of RT-CORBA , this paper brings forword a dynamic scheduling service frame , this project brings up a modularization idea , it has two key modules : scheduling module and dispatching module .