
  1. 上下文信息保存在Context下面,例如命名空间属性和WSDL派生的信息。

    Contextual information , such as namespace attributes and WSDL-derived information , are saved beneath Context .

  2. DITA包括三种从基本主题类型派生的信息类型:任务、概念和参考。

    DITA includes three information types derived from the base topic type : task , concept , and reference .

  3. 将.bar文件部署到代理,使消息流能够在运行时根据WSDL检查消息,并在逻辑树中提供WSDL派生的信息。

    The . bar file is deployed to a broker , enabling the message flow to check messages against the WSDL at run time and to provide WSDL-derived information in the logical tree .

  4. 并派生出信息产业发展的巨大增值机会。

    And derived that develop out the information department to increase in value the bigness opportunity .

  5. 第二部分为间接的受众,是代表大众文化的普通百姓。后者接受来自前者的对于《酉阳杂俎》中特定故事的改编派生文本信息。

    The second is the audience for indirect , representatives of popular culture , ordinary people , who accepted the text information derived from the story of adaptation from first class .

  6. 基于构词法的知识获取解决了派生词的信息获取问题,同时有助于保持词典信息的一致性;

    Knowledge acquisition based on morphemics solves the acquisition problem of the attributes of derivative words and helps to maintain the consistency of the lexicon .

  7. 这一视图提供了关于方法调用总数,方法的时间花费,所选方法的时间花费和内存积聚,及其全部派生的准确信息。

    This view provides exact information about the number of calls to methods , time spent in methods only , time spent and memory accumulated in selected methods and all their descendants , and so on .

  8. 有关侧向派生表的详细信息,请参见from子句。

    For more information about lateral derived tables , see from clause .

  9. 特别是由于从医药信息学派生出来的护理信息学(NursingInformatics)的发展,通过计算机技术收集、贮存和处理护理信息,为护理信息系统的开发与建设奠定了坚实的基础。

    The development of Nursing informatics derived from Medicine information study , and collection , storage and processing of nursing information by personal computer , lay a solid foundation for the development and construction of Nursing Information System .