
  • 网络Private Information;Personal Information;Private Message
  1. 欧盟坚称,私人信息或数据不会通过使用通行证被交换或分享。

    The EU maintains that no private information or data will be exchanged or shared through usage of the certificate .

  2. 随着美国国家安全局(theNationalSecurityAgency)和其它政府监测项目丑闻的不断披露,人们在分享私人信息时越来越慎重。

    Following the scandal and stories surrounding the National Security Agency and other government surveillance programs , customers are more reluctant than before to share private information .

  3. 网站必须说明该机构是如何处理私人信息或半私人信息的(如e-mail的地址和内容)。

    Sites must describe how the organization treats private or semi-private information such as e-mail addresses and content .

  4. 该模型使用本体Web语言&OWL实现知识共享和上下文推理;使用逻辑推理检测和解决上下文知识的不一致问题,并向使用者提供一种策略语言来控制他们的私人信息。

    SMR used Ontology Web Language-OWL to support knowledge share and context reasoning , used logical inferences to detect and resolve inconsistent context knowledge , and provided users with a policy language to control their private information .

  5. 这些电子邮件充满了私人信息,据称是从卡梅伦、商务大臣文斯凯布尔(VinceCable)和财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)的顾问手中获得的。

    The emails are replete with private information allegedly obtained from advisers to Mr Cameron , Vince Cable , business secretary , and George Osborne , chancellor .

  6. 美国医院运营商“社区卫生系统公司”(CommunityHealthSystems)表示,中国黑客窃取了它的大约450万患者的私人信息。这是同类攻击中迄今遭窃账户数量最大的,将进一步加剧美中两国在网络犯罪问题上的长期紧张。

    Community Health Systems , the US hospital operator , said that Chinese hackers have stolen private information about 4.5m of its patients , the largest number of accounts compromised in such an attack , adding to long-running tensions between the two nations over cyber crime .

  7. 目前全球有数百万人在Facebook上使用真名注册,并在上面透漏了一些诸如生日、出生地和毕业院校等私人信息。

    Millions of people use Facebook every day using their REAL NAME , with the REAL DATE OF BIRTH and many other personal details like where they went to school and in what year .

  8. DHS模型认为公共信息者和私人信息者两类投资者促使了股票市场过度反应的存在。

    Second , DHS model is that public information and private information . And the two types of investors led the stock market overreaction .

  9. 今年早些时候,谷歌的社交网站buzz引发公众抗议,批评人士称,该网站未经用户批准,就暴露了私人信息。

    Earlier this year it faced a public outcry over buzz , its social networking site , which critics claimed had exposed private information without the approval of users .

  10. 扎克伯格本周没有详细阐释向私人信息服务的转变将如何影响Facebook的业务,目前,它的业务依赖于按照用户公开分享的帖子,为他们提供定向广告服务。

    Mr. Zuckerberg didn 't elaborate much this week on how the change toward private messaging would affect Facebook 's business , which relies on people publicly sharing posts to be able to serve them targeted advertisements .

  11. 通过研究,我们发现:1、当存在信息不对称时,最优专利制度是由尽可能宽的专利保护宽度(patentbreadth)和能够提取私人信息的差别专利长度(patentlength)构成。

    Through the research , we discovered as follows : 1st , when there exist the asymmetric information , the second-best patent system is composed of the patent breadth that are as wide as possible and the discriminated patent length which can utilize personal information .

  12. 同时,一名科学家做了一款软件,能够通过彻底搜查推特(Twitter)人脉图,推断一名推特用户的种族、甚至宗教,这引发了使用公开发言推断私人信息是否合法的疑问。

    Meanwhile , a scientist has created software that combs Twitter connections to infer a tweeter 's ethnicity and even religion , raising the question of whether public posts can legitimately be used to deduce private information .

  13. 本文讨论了具有双边私人信息的多先验期望效用决策者的打赌对策模型,给出了相应的反应函数和接受函数及它们的性质,与Morris(1995)的结论类似。

    This paper discusses a betting model in which players with two sided private information have multi prior expected utilities , and the results are similar to those of Morris ( 1995 ) .

  14. 后来成为独立调查员的他眼下在中国被拘留,面对非法购买与GSK近期丑闻有关的私人信息的刑事指控。

    Now an independent investigator , he is being held in China on charges of illegally buying private information in connection with GSK 's current scandal .

  15. 以累计投标询价制定价过程为例,探讨投资者私人信息的机制,并针对我国IPO询价制如何激励询价对象诚实揭示信息提出建议。

    Mechanism of investor ' personal information is discussed in pricing process of accumulating bid inquire price and some advice of inquiring price ' object honest posting information is also advised in IPO inquire price mechanism of our country .

  16. 报告指出,有近45%的用户没有先确认网络安全,就习惯性地连接WiFi网络,这就使得他们的私人信息很容易被窃取。

    Nearly 45 percent of users are in the habit of connecting to WiFi networks without first confirming their safety , making them vulnerable to theft of private information , it said .

  17. 商业公司的寄送垃圾邮件,通过IP地址、Cookies等非法获取、利用他人隐私,软硬件设备供应商监视用户私人信息以及网络服务商的直接或间接侵害权利人隐私的行为等等。

    Junk Emails are sent out by commercial companies . Private information is also illegally gained and utilized through IP address and Cookies . Equipment provider inspects users ' private information and Internet Service Provider encroaches on the privacy of the owner directly or indirectly .

  18. 旧金山——马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)开始让Facebook从公共分享和公开对话转向私人信息,然而他为未来社交网络所描绘的愿景已经存在了——只不过不在美国。

    SAN FRANCISCO - As Mark Zuckerberg begins shifting Facebook to private messaging and away from public sharing and open conversations , the vision he has sketched out for the future of social networking already exists - just not in the United States .

  19. WhatsApp推出高强度加密保护技术,将阻止执法部门监视其超过10亿用户,从而加入苹果(Apple)的行列,违抗美国政府试图获取手机用户私人信息的努力。

    WhatsApp has joined Apple in defying the US government 's efforts to gain access to mobile phone users " private messages by rolling out tough encryption protections that will prevent law enforcement agencies from snooping on its more than 1bn users .

  20. 一名市政官员不小心将部分市政员工的私人信息放到了一个公共网站上,然后从Twitter链接到了这个网站,这种行为有可能导致员工身份被盗,市政府也可能会因此受到监管、公众形象受损甚至遭到起诉。

    A city official accidentally put some city employees ' private information on a public website , then linked to the site from Twitter , which exposed the workers to potential identity theft and left the city vulnerable to regulatory action , negative publicity and lawsuits .

  21. “匿名分析”也威胁要发布和该公司有关的一些人的私人信息,这也是匿名惯用的策略doxing。

    Anonymous analytics also threatened to publish personal information about various individuals involved with the company , another familiar anonymous tactic known as " doxing " .

  22. 主要内容和贡献如下:1.本文证明了在信息市场具有公共信息与私人信息的情况下,GSU无关性定理在一定条件下也成立。

    The main conclusions and contributions of this paper are summarized as follows : 1 . This paper verifies that providing the coexistence of public and private information , the GSU irrelevance theorem is also true in some conditions .

  23. 你需要你的私人信息被可靠储存的保证。

    You need assurance that your private information is stored securely .

  24. 为了你的私人信息而多付出一份关心。

    Extra care is used in dealing with your personal information .

  25. 其次,家庭收入状况是私人信息。

    Secondly , family income is a kind of private information .

  26. 对私人信息产品的生产提供补贴;

    Secondly , subsidies are provided to the private information products .

  27. 谨慎些,不要透露任何私人信息。

    Be discreet and don 't reveal any personal information .

  28. 委托&代理关系泛指任何一种非对称交易或关系,拥有私人信息的一方称为代理人,另一方称为委托人。

    Principal-Agent model refer to any kinds of asymmetric-information relationship .

  29. 那些可以接触到私人信息的人不能滥用对他们的这种信任。

    Those with access to private information must not abuse that trust .

  30. 私人信息,是所有的个人情况、资料。

    Private information is all the private data and materials .