
sī yínɡ jīnɡ jì
  • private economy;private sector of the economy
  1. 个体私营经济的税收征管

    Taxation on the Private Sector of the Economy & its Management

  2. 关于私营经济若干问题的理论思考

    Thoughts on the Problems of Private Sector of the Economy

  3. 加入WTO对私营经济法制化的影响

    The Influence of China 's Entry into WTO on Establishing Legal System for Private Sector of Economy

  4. 加入WTO将给私营经济的发展创造更公平的竞争环境和广阔的发展空间。

    The accession to WTO will provide the private economy with more favorable competitive environment and wider space for its development .

  5. 私营经济在我国经济社会发展中正在扮演着越来越重要的角色,私营经济产值在GDP中的比重逐年快速增加。

    Although , private enterprises are playing more and more important roles in social economic development , and their production value proportion is improving drastically year by year .

  6. 私营经济作为我国国民经济一个重要的组成部分,在国民经济发展,GDP的增长、人民生活水平的提高等多方面做出了贡献。

    As one important component of China 's national economy , private enterprises have made great contributions to the development of national economy , the increase of GDP and the improvement of people 's living standard .

  7. 南通市个体、私营经济发展研究

    A Research on Individual and Private Economy Development of Nantong City

  8. 思想解放、理论创新与我国私营经济的发展

    The Innovation of the Theory and the Development of Private Enterprise

  9. 私营经济振兴与重庆大发展

    Rejuvenation of the Private Sector and the Great Development of Chongqing

  10. 发展私营经济与全面建设小康社会刍议

    Developing Private-run Economy and Building a Well-off Society across the Country

  11. 抓住机遇促进苏南个体私营经济健康发展

    Capture the Opportunities and Promote the Private Economy of South Jiangsu

  12. 私营经济:个体经济发展的第三条道路

    Private Economy : the Third Channel for the Growth of Individual Economy

  13. 私营经济的发展不会破坏社会主义的经济基础。

    The development of private economy won 't interfere the socialist economy .

  14. 私营经济发展中存在的主要问题

    The Main Problems Existing in the Development of Private business

  15. 新疆个体私营经济发展的比较分析及定位

    Comparative Analysis and Location of Individual or Private Economic Development in Xinjiang

  16. 我国私营经济的发展方向

    The Development Trend of China 's Private Sector of Economy

  17. 经济全球化与江苏·南京私营经济

    Economic Globalization and the Private Economy in Nanjing and Jiangsu

  18. 努力促进个体私营经济的发展

    Try Hard to Promote the Development of Individual Private Economy

  19. 中国私营经济的发展与对策

    The Development and the Countermeasures of Private Economy of China

  20. 浙江省私营经济发展环境优化对策

    The Countermeasures of the Developmental Environment for Zhejiang Private Economy

  21. 偏好、信用与机会主义:个体私营经济结算工具选择

    Preference , Credit and Opportunism : The Settlement Instruments for Private Business

  22. 我国个体私营经济的拓变及走势

    The Development and Prospect of China 's individual Economy of Private Ownership

  23. 浅谈我国私营经济的特征及其作用

    Discussion on the Characteristics and Roles of Chinese Private Economy

  24. 制约私营经济发展的内在因素研究

    Study of the Intrinsic Factors that Restrict the Development of Private Economy

  25. 我国私营经济是带有社会主义因素的特种类型的私营经济。

    The private sector of the economy in China is of socialism .

  26. 湖南个体、私营经济的实证分析

    A Positve Analysis of Hunan Individual and Privately Owned Economy

  27. 应澄清影响私营经济健康发展的两个理论命题

    On Making Clear Two Theoretical Statements With Influence Privately-Owned Economy Healthy Development

  28. 私营经济是一种富有经济效率的产权制度

    Private Economy is a kind of Property Right System Full of Economic Efficiency

  29. 论我国私营经济的发展及其存在的问题与对策

    Antidote To The Problems Existing In The Development Of China 's Private Economy

  30. 浅谈私营经济持续发展的几个问题

    About Several Issues on Continuous Development of Private-Owned Economy