
  • 网络private wealth management;private banking
  1. 本文作者是美国银行(bankofamerica)美国信托私人财富管理(ustrustprivatewealthmanagement)首席市场策略师

    Joseph Quinlan is chief market strategist at us trust private wealth management , Bank of America

  2. 通过对兴业证券经纪业务评价,SWOT分析可知兴业证券经纪业务引入私人财富管理业务的充分必要性。

    Assessment and SWOT analysis of the securities brokerage business in Industrial Securities reflects the fully necessity of participating private wealth management business .

  3. 美国密尔沃基市RobertW.BairdCo.的私人财富管理研究主管劳拉??瑟罗(LauraThurow)说,你也许正在增加自己的风险。

    ' You may be increasing your risk , ' says Laura Thurow , director of private wealth management research at Robert W. Baird Co. , in Milwaukee .

  4. 巴克莱银行(Barclays)私人财富管理部门的一份报告显示,中国的高值人群将他们17%的财富都投入到此类投资品上,而美国与英国的富裕阶层投入的资产比例分别只有9%和7%。

    According to a report by the private-wealth division at Barclays , China 's high-net-worth individuals put 17 percent of their wealth in these type of investments , compared to 9 percent of America 's rich and only 7 percent of the British wealthy .

  5. 另一个日益扩大的焦点是私人财富管理领域。

    Another increasing focus is private wealth management .

  6. 私人财富管理业务是金融机构针对个人高端客户推出的整合金融服务。

    Private wealth management promoted by financial agency is an integrated personal financial service customized for high-end customers .

  7. 培训机构所提供的课程丰富多样,从会计到私人财富管理,从单日的课程到授予学位的课程,应有尽有。

    There is a huge variety of programmes on offer , from accountancy to private wealth management and from one-day courses to degrees .

  8. “美联储的行动给空气中带来了不确定因素,”安东尼陈说,摩根大通的私人财富管理部门的主要经济学家。

    " The Fed 's move takes a lot of uncertainty out of the air ," said Anthony Chan , the chief economist for JP Morgan Chase 's private wealth management division .

  9. 洛永勤表示,该行私人财富管理部门和交易银行部门均打算在未来三年实现收入翻番。交易银行部门帮助企业进行现金管理。

    Mr Rankin said the bank 's private wealth management division and its transaction banking unit , which helps companies manage their cash balances , each aimed to double revenues over the next three years .

  10. 最后,根据这三个要求,对私人财富管理的组织架构、业务流程再造、考评标准以及保障措施等提出了具体规划建议。

    Following these three basic operation philosophies , Industrial Securities then could make specific planning proposals , such as organizational structure , business process reengineering , evaluation criteria and safeguards for private wealth management service .

  11. 通过研究和思考,本文尝试为我国私人财富管理事业的突破性发展找到有效的内部驱动机制,为商业银行提供应对激烈市场竞争的有益帮助。

    Through research and consideration , this article attempts to explore effective internal driven mechanism for the breakthrough of Chinese wealth management and to provide useful help for commercial banks to win in the fierce competition .

  12. 然后结合兴业证券私人财富管理业务的发展现状进行分析,找出所面临的问题,根据这些问题设计出符合兴业证券自身特点的私人财富管理业务方案。

    Development status and Industrial Securities Private Wealth Management Business with the analysis , find out the problems faced by these problems , according to the design of private wealth management business solutions in line with Industrial Securities characteristics .

  13. 比肯菲尔德揭发的内幕信息详细指出了瑞银私密的私人财富管理部门的运作方式。出生于美国的比肯菲尔德在瑞银工作期间,曾通过隐匿海外财富的方式,帮助他的美国客户逃税。

    The information Birkenfeld revealed detailed the inner workings of the secretive private wealth management division of the Swiss bank UBS ( UBS ) , where the American-born Birkenfeld helped his US clients evade taxes by hiding wealth overseas .

  14. 德勤的年度财富中心排行榜显示,亚洲城市正被全球富人视为最佳资金存放场所,此际,全球对瑞士和其他地区的私人财富管理机构加强了监管。

    The consultancy 's annual ranking of wealth centres highlights how the Asian cities are seen by the world 's rich as the best places to park money amid global tighter regulation of private wealth managers in Switzerland and elsewhere .

  15. 本文首先通过对国内外金融机构私人财富管理业务的发展进行研究,归纳出私人财富管理业务运作流程及发展模式,为兴业证券开展私人财富管理业务提供理论依据和参考实证。

    Development of the first through private wealth management business of the domestic and foreign financial institutions , summed up the private wealth management business processes and the mode of development , to provide a theoretical basis and reference for the development of an Industrial securities private wealth management business .

  16. “毫无疑问,现在是极富挑战性的时期,”专业服务机构普华永道(pwc)全球私人银行及财富管理团队的杰里米詹森(jeremyjensen)表示。

    " Without a doubt , these are challenging times , " says Jeremy Jensen , who is in the global private banking and wealth management team at PwC , the professional services firm .

  17. 德意志银行的业务范围包括投资、零售和企业银行,以及私人财富和资产管理。

    The bank 's footprint spans investment , retail and corporate banking , and private wealth and asset management .

  18. 它们属于富人,也是私人银行和财富管理活动的中心。

    They are available to the wealthy , and central to the activities of private banks and wealth managers .

  19. 为何法案不规定投资银行业务须与致使高盛陷入困境的私人银行和财富管理业务分开经营?

    Why does the bill not separate investment banking from the private banking and wealth management activities that got Goldman into trouble ?

  20. 调查显示,在接下来的两年内,中国的私人银行以及财富管理业务收入最具增长潜力。

    The survey suggests that China has the biggest potential for growth in revenue for private banking and wealth management over the next two years .

  21. 全球超级富豪仅有19.9235万人,但毫不意外的是,他们是私人银行和财富管理公司的主要关注对象。

    There are only 199,235 such individuals in the whole world , but unsurprisingly they are the main focus of private banks and wealth managers .

  22. 金融控股公司主要有三条业务线:零售金融业务、公司与投资银行业务、私人银行与财富管理业务。

    Financial holding companies mainly have 3 business lines , i.e. retail financial services , businesses from companies and investment banks , businesses of individual banking and financial management services .

  23. 为了应对这个问题,越来越多的投资者从私人银行或财富管理公司申请低息贷款,借取75000至数以百万计美元不等的资金。

    To combat the problem , investors increasingly are turning to low-interest-rate loans from private banks or wealth-management firms to tap anywhere from $ 75,000 to hundreds of millions of dollars .

  24. 研究发现,过去两年内,尽管投资回报率猛降、资产管理规模也有所下滑,但欧洲私人银行及其它财富管理公司却没有改变它们的成本基础。

    European private banks and other wealth managers have maintained their cost base over the past two years , despite plunging investment returns and declining assets under management , RBS found , eroding returns for their clients .

  25. 对于私人银行和其他财富管理公司而言,新富阶层的要求可能要苛刻得多,这在一定程度上是因为,要让他们相信自己以前从未使用过(甚至从未考虑过)的服务是值得买单的,可能得花一番功夫。

    The newly rich can be much more demanding clients for private banks and other wealth managers , partly because they can take some convincing that a service they have never used or thought about is worth paying for .

  26. 总部位于瑞士的安勤私人银行有限公司(FalconPrivateBank)将退出香港市场。该行是一家由阿布扎比主权财富基金支持的私人财富管理机构。

    Falcon Private Bank , a Switzerland-based boutique private wealth manager backed by Abu Dhabi 's sovereign wealth fund , is exiting its Hong Kong operations .