
  • 网络Privately Offered Fund;private equity;private fund;private equity fund
  1. 私募基金的风险分析与评价

    A Study on Privately Offered Fund Risk and It 's Evaluation

  2. 市场缺陷理论是私募基金监管的理论依据。

    Firstly , the market flaw theory is the theory basis of supervising of privately offered fund .

  3. 公司目前由私募基金中桥合伙公司(CenterbridgePartners)、保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co.)和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)所有。

    The company is now owned by private equity firms centerbridge partners , Paulson & Co. and Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  4. 三是从盈利角度来讲,私募基金获利颇丰,以PE为例,一旦该基金投资的企业成功上市,它可以获得高达几倍甚至几十倍的盈利。

    Third , from a profit perspective , the private placement fund is lucrative , with PE for example , the successful listing of enterprises will help PE get times or several times earnings .

  5. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  6. 随后的15年中,他的投资公司AbraajGroup实际上推动了中东和北非建立自己的私募基金行业。

    Over the subsequent fifteen years , his investment firm abraaj group effectively helped give birth to the private equity industry in the Middle East and North Africa .

  7. 他补充表示:资产估值已经重新回到了有吸引力的水平,并且有限合伙人(LPs,私募基金的投资者)似乎愿意支持亚洲地区的潜在交易,因为该地区拥有相对强劲的增长前景。

    He adds : Asset valuations have returned to attractive levels and LPs [ investors in private equity funds ] appear willing to support potential deals in a region which boasts relatively strong growth prospects .

  8. 据一位知情人士透露,高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)管理的一家私募基金将向吉利控股集团(GeelyHoldingGroup)旗下香港上市子公司投资约2.5亿美元,以资助这家中国汽车厂商的增长计划。

    Goldman Sachs To Invest In Geely A Goldman Sachs Group Inc. - managed private equity fund is investing about $ 250 million in Geely Holding Group 's Hong Kong-listed arm to fund the Chinese auto maker 's growth ambitions , according to a person familiar with the matter .

  9. 在交易和资金方面,TPG还面临来自中国等市场上数千只国内基金的争夺。在中国,由于银行收紧放贷,私募基金如今已成为主要的融资渠道。

    The competition for deals and money also comes from thousands of domestic funds in markets such as China , where private equity is now a primary source of funds in the face of constrained bank lending .

  10. 此后不久,迈克尔?戴尔就去请教另一家私募基金了(据信是KKR集团)。到了8月14号,他又将这一意向正式通报了戴尔重量级的独立董事阿历克斯?曼德尔。

    Michael Dell soon would reach out to another private equity firm ( believed to be KKR ) for advice , before formally advising Dell 's lead independent director , Alex Mandl , on August 14 .

  11. 纽约为高净值家庭服务的私人投资者学院(InstituteforPrivateInvestors)的执行董事明迪•罗森塔尔(MindyRosenthal)说,相对对冲基金投资和私募基金投资这些比较难以估价的资产,银行更愿意以证券等流动性更强的资产为抵押发放贷款。

    Banks are more likely to lend against more liquid offerings , like securities , than against assets like interests in a hedge fund or private-equity fund that are harder to value , says Mindy Rosenthal , executive director of the Institute for Private Investors , a New York group for high-net-worth families .

  12. 保底型基金的设计与定价民间私募基金收益保底约定初探

    The Design and Pricing of a Fund with Promised Lowest Return

  13. 信托与私募基金:现代企业融资新方式

    Trust and Privately Raised Fund : Modern Enterprise Financing New Way

  14. 设立程序是指成立一支私募基金所要经过的流程,包括设立申请、信息披露、报告备查。

    Establishment procedure involves application , information disclosure and report record .

  15. 我国证券市场中私募基金的规范和发展

    The Privately Offered Fund 's Regulation and Development in Our Security Market

  16. 私募基金合法化以后对我国证券市场的影响

    Influence of privately raised funds legalization to the securities market of China

  17. 在我国,私募基金往往与非法集资、非法吸收公众存款等行为互相混淆,互相交叉。

    In China , private funds are often confused with illegal funds-raising .

  18. 第二节具体阐明了对我国私募基金风险控制的原则,清晰的管理原则有助于管理措施的制定和实施。

    Section two specifically sets out the risk control principles .

  19. 2008年度,中国发行设立的阳光私募基金有800多只。

    In 2008 , over 800 Private Funds were issued .

  20. 天津:全力打造私募基金最活跃的舞台

    Tianjin : the most active arena for private equity funds

  21. 加快私募基金合法化的研究

    Research into Speeding up the Legalization of Privately Collecting Funds

  22. 私募基金合法化之后的适度外部监管制度构建

    Construction of Supervision System after the Legalization of Private Fund

  23. 我国信托型私募基金的内部治理结构分析

    The Internal Governance Structure Analysis on Trust-based Private Equity Fund in China

  24. 第二节对私募基金的法律监管理论进行了简述。

    Item Two narrates the theory of legal supervision on private fund .

  25. 私募基金投资组合的构建和最优化问题

    Model and Optimum of Investment Combination for Private Fund

  26. 地下证券投资基金是当前的证券业讨论最多的,许多人建议以私募基金来予以规范。

    The underground stock investment fund is most discussed in current stock trades .

  27. 这一切皆因私募基金具有鲜明的优势和特色。

    All this because the private placement fund has distinct advantages and characteristics .

  28. 论我国私募基金的合法化及监管

    On China private collection fund 's legalization and supervision

  29. 第三章是我国私募基金监管现状分析。

    The third chapter is the regulatory status of our private equity funds .

  30. 另一方面是不受监管、暗中经营的私募基金公司。

    Then there are the unregulated private fund managers operating in the shadows .