
  • 网络enterprise funds;Utility Fund;MCF
  1. 高校事业基金简论

    Discussing on Undertaking Fund of College

  2. 为了充分发挥事业基金在学校整体经济活动中的作用,拟就事业基金的地位,使用原则和管理方式作些探讨。

    In order to bring the fund into full play in whole economy of college , the problems of the situation of undertaking fund and how to use and manage this fund are discussed in this paper .

  3. 公证处应当设立事业发展基金和责任赔偿基金。

    The notary office shall set up career developing fund and compensation fund .

  4. 一○证券投资信?事业及基金保管机构所受报酬之计算方法、给付方式及时间。

    The method for calculating the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution ′ s remuneration and the time and method of payment .

  5. 本办法所称证券投资信契约,指规范证券投资信事业、基金保管机构及受益人间权利义务之契约。

    The term " securities investment trust agreement " used in these Regulations refers to the contract defining the rights and obligations among the securities investment trust enterprise , the custodian institution and the beneficiaries .

  6. 在她有机会作为第一夫人去追求一个目标、奉献于慈善事业或基金会之前,她最紧迫的、最复杂的任务也许只是做好自己。

    Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause , charity or foundation as First Lady , her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simply to be herself . It won 't be easy .

  7. 经管慈善事业、信托基金、地产

    Administer a charity , a trust fund , an estate

  8. 贝尔为耳聋研究事业设立了基金。

    Bell established a fund for the study of deafness .

  9. 最近,我花了一天时间与两位电影制作人以及一位好莱坞制片人对讲故事的技巧进行头脑风暴,为的是帮助一家需要宣传其事业的慈善基金会。

    Recently , I spent a day brainstorming about storytelling techniques with two film-makers and a Hollywood producer , to help out a charitable foundation that needs to promote its causes .

  10. Excel在机关事业单位养老保险基金结算中的应用

    Applications of Excel to Fond Balance of Dept. and Enterprise Endowment Insurance

  11. 慈善事业将争取更多基金。

    The charity is going to push for more funding .

  12. 其范围主要包括:法律、法规规定的行政事业性收费、基金和附加收入等;

    It mainly covers following items : administrative and institutional fees , funds and extra charges that are stipulated by laws and regulations ;

  13. 本法所称公益性社会团体是指依法成立的,以发展公益事业为宗旨的基金会、慈善组织等社会团体。

    The social bodies engaged in public welfare stated in this Law refer to legally established social bodies that aim to develop public welfare undertakings .

  14. 它可能是是所有慈善和美德的源泉,如果只是因为人们出于对钱的爱将自己投入到,慈善事业中并创建基金会。

    It can be the root of all philanthropy and all goodness if only because the people who have devoted themselves out of the love of money and create foundations .

  15. 计划也要求日本其它的公共事业为这项基金出资筹款,这也相当于是为以后可能出现的核事故投保。

    Other utilities in Japan would be required to contribute to the fund , which would also act as an insurance body to cover any future nuclear accidents , the statement said .

  16. 同时,凯特、威廉姆、哈里接见了戴安娜王妃生前支持的慈善事业包括国家援助基金会,大奥蒙德街医院,麻风病协会,和英国国家芭蕾舞团的代表,来纪念戴安娜王妃逝世20周年。

    Meanwhile , Kate , William , and Harry met with representatives of charities Diana had supported , including the National Aids Trust , Great Ormond Street Hospital , the Leprosy Mission , and the English National Ballet as they marked the 20th anniversary of Diana 's death .

  17. 就公益事业捐赠、公益信托和基金会之间的关系分析,提出在公益信托运作模式下,亟需对公益事业捐赠和基金会立法做相应调整的建议。

    It also analyzes the relationship between public donation public welfare trust and foundation , brings forward operation mode of public welfare trust and provides suggestions concerning the regulation of public donation and foundation .

  18. 但随着新的预算会计制度将事业单位会计和行政单位会计相分离,对事业基金必须站在新的高度进行再认识。

    However this understanding is to be updated as the new budget system makes the difference between institutional and administrative units .