
shì hòu shěn jì
  • post audit;post-audit;programme result audit
  1. 文中首先介绍了系统的方案设计,然后在方案设计的基础上分为实时审计和事后审计以及数据存储几个部分对系统实现进行了介绍。

    Then the article describes the system design , and based on the design the system implementation of real-time audit and post-audit , and data storage are described .

  2. 其中事后审计部分是保证系统安全性和完整性的最后一道防线,是本系统中的核心模块之一。

    The post-audit module is the central module of the system and the main purpose is to ensure system security and integrity .

  3. 应建立事前、事中、事后审计相结合的内部审计监督与评价体系,促进内部审计规范化、制度化。

    An internal evaluating and supervising system should be established for the audit throughout the whole process so as to standardize and systematize our internal audit .

  4. 长期以来,我国工程项目竣工结(决)算审计带有明显的事后审计特征。

    In China , for a long time , auditing completed final account ( estimate ) of construction project has been featured with a significant post-audit .

  5. 国家审计机关对政府投资项目的传统审计主要为竣工决算审计,这种事后审计面临严峻挑战。

    National audit institutions of the traditional audit of government investment projects for the completion of final accounts of major , which is facing serious challenges after the audit .

  6. 之后介绍了贝叶斯分类器的基本概念和背景知识,通过对几种常见的贝叶斯分类器的分析,得出了一种适用于事后审计的贝叶斯信念网络模型和适用于具体场景的贝叶斯信念网络算法。

    Then introduced the basic concepts and background knowledge of Bayesian classifier by analysis several common Bayesian classifiers , in order to propose an appropriate Bayesian belief network model and algorithm applied to specific scenarios .

  7. 事前审计的可靠性取决于预测,是一种不确定性控制。事后审计是一种稳定性控制,综合运用二者则会相得益彰。

    The reliability of auditing beforehand relies on predication and is a contestable control , and the auditing afterwards is a uncontestable control , Comprehensive use of these two kinds of auditing can benefit from each other .

  8. 针对目前市场上安全监督产品绝大多数是事后审计模式,本文描述了一种基于过程的信息审计平台,并对其体系结构作了具体的分析和描述。

    The safety surveillance product overwhelming majority was afterwards audits pattern in view of the present market . But this article describes one kind of process based information audit platform , and has made the concrete analysis and the description to its architecture .

  9. 加强应收账款的事前、事中、事后内部审计,降低、化解、减少应收账款风险,提高防范销售风险能力。

    The author shows us how to strengthen internal audit of accounts receivable to prevent sales risk .

  10. 通过事前、事中、事后的环境审计,确定或解除企业的环境责任,以使企业在生产过程中减少污染,达到保护环境的目的。

    Through the process of before-auditing , during-auditing and after-auditing , the environmental audit will ensure or relieve the environmental duty of the enter-prise for the purpose of reducing as much as possible the environmental pollution .