
  • 网络Event Industry
  1. 由于近日曝出了libor操纵事件等银行业丑闻,加上银行的盈利能力遭遇考验,银行业遭遇了信任危机。

    The dual impact of recent banking scandals , including the LIBOR affair , and struggling profitability has led to a crisis of confidence in the sector .

  2. 我国城市突发事件下银行业资金动员的供求研究

    Research on Monetary Mobilization of Banks in City Crisis in Our Country

  3. 突发性危机事件对旅游业发展的影响及旅游业应急机制研究

    A Research into the Influence of Unexpected Crisis on Tourism and the Establishing of Emergency Mechanism

  4. 本文首先对城市突发事件下银行业资金动员进行一系列理论阐述。

    This text mobilizes a series of theories to explain to monetary mobilization of banks under the urban crisis at first .

  5. 其次,在需求研究基础上,通过数据比较分析,分别从宏观、区域城市、动态趋势角度把握我国城市突发事件下银行业资金动员需求规律。

    Secondly , on the foundation of studying of the demand law , I pass the comparative analysis of the data and grasp the demand of monetary mobilization of banks in our country urban in terms of macroscopic , regional city , dynamic trend separately .

  6. 基于SOA的事件驱动型金融业EAI技术研究

    Research on event-driven banking EAI based on SOA

  7. 30年来危机事件对中国旅游业发展的影响及比较

    Influences of crisis in late thirty years to china 's tourism and their comparison

  8. 从番茄花园事件谈中国软件业知识产权战略

    Discussion on intellectual property strategy of Chinese software industry inspired from " Tomato-Garden "

  9. 79%的多人死亡事件发生在建筑业和制造业。

    Most multiple incidents ( 79 % ) took place in the construction and manufacturing industries .

  10. 尤其是2001年发生的9.11劫机事件使全球民航业乃至全球经济遭受重创。

    Especially , the " 9.11 " hijacking in 2001 made the global civil aviation industry even the global economy undertake a heavy damage .

  11. 日本寿险公司倒闭事件给世界寿险业带来冲击,也引发了我们的深层思考。

    The liquidation incidents of the Japanese life insurance companies have shocked the world life insurance industry and led to profound reflection on our part .

  12. 近期一系列的事件对海运保险业影响很大,索赔明显增多。

    A series of events very will be big in the near future to the marine transportation insurance business influence , the claim will increase obviously .

  13. 日本寿险公司接连倒闭事件给世界保险业带来不小震动,也引起了业界对利差损问题的重视和研究。

    The successive bankruptcies of Japanese life insurance companies shock the world insurance line and made us to pay attention to and research on the spread loss .

  14. 在当下的中国,铁路突发事件随着铁路运输业的飞速发展也在频频发生着,它给社会带来的危害性也越来越严重。

    At present in China , with the rapid development of railway , the railway emergencies are becoming more and more frequent , which also brings more and more harmfulness to society .

  15. 为了控制餐饮业中海产品的卫生状况,避免发生中毒事件,保证餐饮业的良好的卫生条件,对海产品中的甲醛、亚硫酸盐、过氧化氢等几种危害物质的快速检测方法进行了比较。

    In order to control the sanitation of seafood in the restaurant industry and avoid incident of poisoning , different detecting methods of the hazardous substance in seafood & formaldehyde , sulfites and hydrogen peroxide were studied .

  16. 摘要运用产业内贸易理论,分析发生在2005年的中美欧纺织品贸易争端事件,发现纺织业产业内贸易指数逐年下降,说明我国对欧美纺织品出口贸易确实增长过猛。

    According to the study of the issue among sino-us-eu on textiles in2005 through the theory of industry inner trade , it is founded that the index of industry inner trade decreases yearly , and it means that the textiles exportation from China increase vastly .

  17. 在此基础上,构建城市突发事件经济安全效用函数,通过支出最小化分析和案例分析探讨不同性质和规模城市突发事件下银行业资金动员需求。

    On this basis , I structure the economic security utility function of the urban accident , minimize through expenditure analysis probe into with case analysis different nature and scale bank 's fund mobilize the demand under the urban accident .