
  • 网络service industries;Life service industry
  1. 随着中国消费者消费能力的迅速提升,消费者对吃、住、行、游、购、娱等生活服务业需求也日益高涨。

    With the rapid increases in consumer spending , Consumers on food , housing , transportation , travel , shopping , entertainment and other living growing demands increase too .

  2. 发展就业吸纳能力强和市场需求大的生活性服务业。

    We will encourage the development of consumer services that can create more jobs and are urgently needed in the market .

  3. 规模种养、农产品加工、休闲农业、乡村旅游以及各类生产性、生活性服务业等,均是政策支持的重点。

    Large-scale farming , farm produce processing , leisure agriculture and rural tourism , as well as producer and consumer services , are priorities of the policy support .

  4. 同时,通过采取对生产、生活性服务业增加税收抵扣等配套措施,确保所有行业税负只减不增。

    Supporting measures , such as increased tax deductions for producer and consumer services , will be to ensure tax burdens across all industries do not go up .