
  • 网络production safety accident
  1. 导致发生生产安全事故给他人造成损害的,与承包方、租方承担连带赔偿责任。

    If damages have been caused to other people due to a production safety accident , it shall take several and joint liabilities with the contractor or the lessee .

  2. 第一章对我国生产安全事故立法的历史与现状进行分析,阐述其理论基础以及立法的必要性和意义。

    In chapter ⅰ, the article analyzes the history and the status quo of the production safety accident legislation in China , and states its theoretical basis and the legislative significance .

  3. 我国生产安全事故的R/S分析

    R / S analysis on China industrial accidents

  4. 城市生产安全事故应急管理能力评价体系可视化研究

    City Churn Safety Accident Emergency Supervisory Capability Evaluate System Visualization Research

  5. 特别是建筑生产安全事故,占全部生产安全事故的很大比例。

    A large proportion of all the accidents are construction accidents .

  6. 城市生产安全事故应急救援体系及关键技术研究

    Study on Key Technology and Emergency Rescue System of Urban Work Safety

  7. 预防煤矿生产安全事故对策研究

    On Countermeasures against Prevention of Safety Accidents in Coal Mines

  8. 生产安全事故风险分级与分级监察研究

    Research on work safety accident risk rank and inspection based on rank

  9. 企业生产安全事故应急救援预案编制技术的研究

    Study on Compiling Technique for Emergency Rescue Protocol of Accident in Enterprise

  10. 生产安全事故统计分析及预测理论方法研究

    Study on the Theory and Methods of Accident Statistics Analysis and Prediction

  11. 及时、如实报告生产安全事故。

    F.reporting production safety accidents truthfully and in good time .

  12. 港口生产安全事故成因机理研究。

    Study about the transformation mechanism of port accidents .

  13. 近年来,无任何生产安全事故,客户满意度达100%。

    In recent years , without any safety incidents , customer satisfaction is100 % .

  14. 工作场所生产安全事故会导致大量的人员伤亡,造成巨大的经济损失。

    Workplace accidents lead to a large number of casualties and result in huge economic losses .

  15. 研究结沦对评估我国生产安全事故造成的直接经济损失情况有实际指导意义。

    The conclusion can be very useful to evaluate the direct economy loss caused by work safety accidents .

  16. 笔者论述的企业生产安全事故应急救援预案编制技术已经在广东省数百家企业得到宣传应用,取得了良好的社会效益。

    The compiling technique for emergency protocol has been put into practice by hundreds of enterprises in Guangdong province .

  17. 我国从2003年起已经进入到了事故易发期,生产安全事故呈现出了高发态势。

    Since 2003 China has entered the incidental period of accidents , production safety accidents showing a trend of high incidence .

  18. 第二章对我国生产安全事故立法存在的缺陷作了简要分析。

    In chapter ⅱ, it provides a brief analysis on the existing disadvantages of the legislation on production safety accidents in China .

  19. 但是,近年来频发的食品安全事件、生产安全事故等,使得对企业社会责任这个问题的研究更加具有紧迫性和现实性。

    However , the frequent incidents of food and production safety in China in recent years have made the research of this issue more urgent and realistic .

  20. 普通车床卡盘扳手完成工件装夹后,有可能未取出扳手就启动电源,容易造成生产安全事故。

    After plain lathe completes its work holder , if the chuck wrench isn 't drawn out because of various reasons , personal or equipment accidents will happen .

  21. 据有关资料表明,90%以上的煤矿生产安全事故发生在班组,而大多数不安全因素又都存在于生产一线的工作岗位和现场。

    According to the related data , more than 90 % safety accidents happened in team , and most of the dangerous factors exist in post and scene .

  22. 我国目前正处在工业化加速发展阶段,处在生产安全事故的易发期,安全生产形势仍然十分严峻,重大和特别重大安全生产事故时有发生。

    China is now in the accelerated development stage of industrialization , and the production safety accidents occured frequently . The situation of production safety is still very serious .

  23. 分别从技术维、实体维以及管理维开展城市生产安全事故应急救援工作,从而提高城市应对突发性重大生产事故及灾害的快速反应与应急防御能力。

    The work for urban emergency rescue is finished throw 3-dimension of technology , substantiality and supervision , which can improve quickly response and resisting ability for unexpected major accidents and disasters .

  24. 但是,由于安全管理和监督不到位、隐患治理整顿和应急处置不力等问题,煤矿生产安全事故总量依然较大。

    However , the safety production accident in coal mine is still serious for several reasons , such as inadequate safety management and supervision , poor hidden danger treatment and emergency response .

  25. 监理站应督促施工单位开工前编制生产安全事故应急救援预案,设立应急救援组织,配齐应急救援人员,配备必要的应急救援器材、设备和救援物资;

    Supervision station shall oblige construction company to prepare production safety accident emergency rescue proposal , establish emergency rescue organization , provide emergency rescue personnel and necessary emergency rescue apparatus , equipment and materials ;

  26. 故本文运用博弈论研究生产安全事故发生后国家安全生产监管部门与基层监管者及事故发生企业之间的博弈是具有实际意义的。

    Therefore , by using the game theory , this essay studying of after safety accidents , the game among the national and the local safety production and the enterprise concerned is of practical significance .

  27. 近年来我国煤矿生产安全事故频发,事故损失巨大,一直被认为是高危行业。

    In our country the coal production safety accidents are still in high frequency period , and losses are enormous , so undoubtedly the coal production has been regarded as " extremely high risk industries " .

  28. 通过建立科学、系统的金属矿山企业应急能力评价指标体系,可以有效促进应急能力的提升,以便在生产安全事故发生时及时、科学、高效地完成应急处置任务,降低事故的严重程度。

    Through the establishment of a scientific and systematic metal mine enterprise evaluation index system of emergency response capability , these metal mines can effectively enhance emergency capacity and handle the accidents , then reduce the severity of accidents .

  29. 生产安全事故的频频发生,已经成为制约我国生产安全发展与社会和谐的重要因素,对人身、设备、环境造成了威胁,并使经济蒙受巨大损失。

    Frequent occurrence of production safety accidents has become critical factor of restriction for safety development of production and establishment of harmony society . Human , equipment and environment are all suffering its threat and national economics sustains tremendous loss .

  30. 应依据生产安全事故的预期后果、影响范围、事态控制和事件的性质,实行预备(Ⅰ级)、专业启动(Ⅱ级)和国家启动(Ⅲ级)三级响应机制。

    Based on the anticipated outcome and scope affected by the accident , and the control status and the nature of the accident , three levels of response are classified , namely Preparedness ( level 1 ), Professional ( level 2 ), and National ( level 3 ) .