
  1. 个人不缴纳城镇生育保险费。

    Individual persons are exempt from payment of urban childbearing insurance premium .

  2. 本市社会保险经办机构负责城镇生育保险费的征缴工作。

    The municipal agencies handling social insurance are responsible for collecting and paying the urban childbearing insurance premium .

  3. 实行社会统筹的地区如何领取生育保险费?

    How does the area that executes a society to plan as a whole receive birth insurance premium ?

  4. 用人单位缴纳城镇养老保险费缴费基数,为本单位缴纳城镇生育保险费基数。

    The base of the urban old-age insurance premium paid by the employers serves as the base of their urban childbearing insurance premium payment .

  5. 通过对北京市企事业单位女工劳动保护费用的调查,发现人均女工劳动保护费用高于生育保险费。

    An investigation of the labor protection expense for women workers in Beijing 's enterprises and public institutions reveals that such expense per capita is higher than the maternity insurance premium .

  6. 职工个人不缴纳生育保险费,而是由企业按照其工资总额的一定比例向社会保险经办机构缴纳生育保险费,建立生育保险基金。

    Worker individual not pay bears insurance premium , be sure to the society according to the certain proportion of its total wages by the enterprise however agency orgnaization pay bears insurance premium , establish birth insurance fund .

  7. 生育医疗保险基金来源为,生育医疗保险费及其利息和其他收入。

    The fund of birth medical insurance comes from the birth medical insurance premium and its interests and other revenues .

  8. 已婚女职工生育后一月内,由经办机构一次性划拨该产妇生育保险费,由产妇单位按标准发放。

    After married female worker is borne inside january , by agency orgnaization this puerpera bears one-time transfer insurance premium , extend by the standard by puerpera unit .