
  • 网络Ecological Ethics;ecology ethics;ecoethics
  1. 它们分别来源于发展经济学、未来学和生态伦理学。

    They deride from development economics , futures and ecological ethics .

  2. 生态伦理学主要有人道主义和自然主义两条路径。

    The ecological ethics mainly contains the humanitarianism and the naturalism .

  3. 从生态伦理学视角看敬畏自然之争

    A Study of the Nature-awing Debate in the Perspective of Eco-ethics

  4. 生态伦理学和生态哲学之间是个别和一般的关系。

    Ecological ethics is individual , and ecological philosophy is general .

  5. 建构以人为本的生态伦理学

    Building Eco - ethics of " Human - oriented "

  6. 天人合一命题的生态伦理学解读

    Decoding the Proposition of Heaven-and-Man Combination in the Viewpoint of Ecological Ethics

  7. 认真分析这一命题,对深化生态伦理学研究具有重要意义。

    It has great significance for deepening ecology ethics analysis .

  8. 道家思想通向现代生态伦理学的两个基本观念

    Two Basic Ideas of Taoism to Modern Western Ecological Ethics

  9. 生态伦理学在环境教育中的地位与作用

    The Position and Application of Ecological Ethics in Environmental Education

  10. 从可持续发展观看生态伦理学的价值取向

    The Ethical Value of Ecology and China 's Sustainable Development

  11. 有机论自然观的生态伦理学意蕴

    The connotation of ecological ethics of outlook on nature in organic theory

  12. 主要包括经济学基础、生态伦理学基础和法学基础。

    It mainly includes economic basis , ecological ethic basis and legal basis .

  13. 我国20世纪80年代开始引入生态伦理学学科。

    Early in the 1980s our country began to introduce the Eco-ethics subjects .

  14. 管窥老庄思想与现代生态伦理学的契合

    On the relationship between Taoism and modern ecological ethics

  15. 生态伦理学中对人类中心主义的研究,构成了其理论的一个支点。

    The study of anthropocentrism in environmental ethics forms one of its branches .

  16. 工程师社会责任的生态伦理学思考

    A Reflection on the Social Responsibility of Engineers in the Perspective of Eco-ethics

  17. 自然美:作为生态伦理学的善&对康德自然目的观的一种现代阐释

    Natural Beauty as a Good of Ecological Ethics

  18. 论生态伦理学崛起的必然性和超越性

    On the Inevitability and Superiority of Ecological Ethics

  19. 生态伦理学价值取向与开发生态旅游

    Value Orientation of Eco-ethics and Development of Eco-tourism

  20. 对非人类中心主义生态伦理学的两点质疑

    Two Questions about Nonhuman - Centered Ecological Ethics

  21. 人未到场的生态伦理学研究

    Research on Ecological Ethics with Man in Absence

  22. 生态伦理学的建立与发展

    The establishment and development of ecological ethics

  23. 通过对人类中心主义研究的综述,不难窥见目前生态伦理学研究的整体面貌。

    After outlining anthropocentrism study , we can get a glimpse of its whole appearance .

  24. 中国近二十年生态伦理学研究综述

    A summary of the researches on ecological ethics in China in the past two decades

  25. 人性与价值的预设:生态伦理学的逻辑起点

    The Traditional Anthropocentrism , the Contemporary Value Crises and the Logical Starting Point of Eco-ethics

  26. 这一思想与现代生态伦理学观点有许多相契合之处。

    There are lots of same ideas between this idea and modern ecological ethical one .

  27. 论生态伦理学的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Ecological Ethics

  28. 本文从生态伦理学角度出发,专门针对旅游者的行为规范进行研究。

    This thesis starts with the point of eco-ethics , investigates the behaviors of tourists specifically .

  29. 生态伦理学是以人为本的科学发展观的重要理论基础。

    Eco-ethics is an important theoretical basis of the human oriented and scientific view of development .

  30. 论生态伦理学的伦理基础

    On ethical foundation of ecological ethics