
  • 网络Scientific ethics;science ethics;the ethics of science
  1. 体现出科学伦理学是对科学与人类的双重关怀!

    It displays that scientific ethics have double care to science and human being .

  2. 关于科学伦理学的讨论

    A Question on the Morality of Science

  3. 科技道德的两种精神关于科学伦理学的讨论

    Two Kinds of Spirit Of Morality of Science and Technology A Question on the Morality of Science

  4. 科学伦理学的四个内在问题

    Four Problems in Scientific Ethics

  5. 同时揭开了人与自然伦理关系研究的序幕,为科学伦理学的本体研究奠定了基础。

    Thus , it became the prologue to the study of the ethical relation between humanity and nature , providing the foundation for studying scientific ethics .

  6. 生命伦理学是生命科学与伦理学的交叉学科。

    Bioethics is a cross-discipline of the life science and ethics .

  7. 科学与伦理学&彭加勒伦理思想评介

    Science and Ethics & Comments on Poincare 's Ethical Thoughts

  8. 管理伦理学是介于管理科学与伦理学之间的边缘学科,至今已有约80年的孕育发展史。

    Management ethics is a borderline discipline between management science and ethics which has about eighty year 's history up to now .

  9. 科学技术伦理学正在发展成为一个包含一系列分支学科、边缘分支学科的学科群组。

    Ethics of science and technology has been developing into a discipline group including a series of branch disciplines and frontier branch disciplines .

  10. 医学伦理学是医学科学和伦理学科学交叉的边缘科学,是医学道德的科学,是一般伦理学原理在医学实践中的具体运用。

    Medical ethics is a borderline science at which medical science and ethical science intersect , and is also concrete application of general ethics principle to medical practice .

  11. 把握生命科学与生命伦理学的动态平衡

    Keeping the Dynamic Balance between Life Sciences and Life Ethics

  12. 浅论科学设计医学伦理学教学内容的意义

    On the Significance of Scientific Design of the Teaching Content of Medical Ethics

  13. 作为一门科学的科技伦理学,体现了科技与人文的综合。

    Ethics , as a science , has displayed the integration of humanities and science and technology .

  14. 摘要费耶阿本德的思想既属于科学主义的流派,又包含了人本主义的倾向,他认为,科学是“伦理学”的。

    Feyerabend 's thought is scientism , yet there is humanistic trend as well , since he thought science is ethincs .

  15. 浅谈中专物理课堂教学中教学内容的设计浅论科学设计医学伦理学教学内容的意义

    A Brief Introduction on Physics Course Designing in Technical Academy ; On the Significance of Scientific Design of the Teaching Content of Medical Ethics

  16. 在他那里,两者关系主要为:其一,道德在全部人的世界中处于最重要的地位,科学应该以伦理学为基础;

    To Popper , the relationship mainly is that : Moral is the most important thing in the whole human world , science should be based on ethics ;

  17. 只有实现生命科学与生命伦理学之间的动态平衡关系,才能保证人类社会健康有序的可持续发展,这是历史的经验和现实的呼唤。

    Only realizing the dynamic equilibrium relation between life sciences and life ethics could guarantee the healthy and orderly sustainable development of human society , which is the experience of history and the call of reality .

  18. 克隆技术与社会伦理&对克隆绵羊的科学哲学与科学伦理学的反思

    Cloning and Social Ethics

  19. 环境科学研究应与伦理学研究结盟,把伦理学正当行为观念扩至对环境的关心,把道德上的权利概念扩至整个环境实体和过程。

    Environmental science study should combine with ethics , extend rightful activity and idea of ethics to environment and extend right concept of virtue to whole environmental body and course .

  20. 而科学是否存在伦理问题是科学伦理学作为一门独立学科成立的前提条件,所以科学伦理这一新兴的课题受到前所未有的争议。

    And " whether science include ethics problem or not " is the precondition of " scientific ethics " as one independent discipline . So " scientific ethics ", the new developing subject , receives the unprecedented dispute .

  21. 伦理学是关于优良道德的科学,是关于优良道德的制定方法和制定过程以及实现途径的科学。因此,伦理学分为元伦理学和规范伦理学以及美德伦理学。

    Ethics is a science of good virtues , a science concerning the approaches , the process , and the application of good virtues .