
  • Corona;Corona Extra
  1. 夏天的时候,经常会在消费水平较高的北京三里屯看到一些20多岁的女性,身穿印有科罗娜(Corona)或百威商标的裙子,有时还穿着白色长靴,穿梭于各个酒吧与顾客聊天。

    In the summer , women in their 20s , wearing dresses with Corona or Budweiser logos and sometimes long white boots , were often seen milling around the bars and chatting with customers in the upscale Sanlitun area of Beijing .

  2. 墨西哥啤酒,与科罗娜比色深及风味多些。

    It is a mexican beer , darker than Corona with more flavour .

  3. 在科罗娜多州Golden地区美国地质调查局工作的人员不仅仅要追踪地震,还得通过电话和电子邮件回答公众的问题。

    Folks who work at the United States Geological Survey Earthquake Center in Golden , Colo. , don 't just track temblors , they also answer the public 's questions via phone and email .

  4. 我就不喝比利时啤酒,改喝科罗娜

    and I 'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona .

  5. 我完全可以走出去,喝完剩下的科罗娜

    I mean I could go back outside , enjoy the rest of the Coronas ...

  6. 科罗娜啤酒的发展历程

    Development of Corona beer

  7. 特别是一些面向全球的中国品牌,得有个国际化的名字,科罗娜不错,青岛就不行。

    In particular , some Chinese brands globally oriented , there are international in the name of Ke Luonuo Yes , Qingdao on not .

  8. 天堂超市销量最高的品类是福佳(Hoegaarden)、科罗娜和百威等进口啤酒,每瓶售价15元人民币。

    Most of the bottles going through the checkout at Heaven are overseas varieties like Hoegaarden , Corona and Budweiser , selling for 15 renminbi .