
  • Carlsberg;Jasper;carlsberg group
  1. 再加上喜力(Heineken)和嘉士伯(Carlsberg),这些企业生产的啤酒占了全球一半。

    They , along with Heineken and Carlsberg , make half the world 's beer .

  2. 啤酒商嘉士伯(carlsberg)周二警告称,由于麦芽和大麦的成本增加,啤酒价格将会上涨。

    Carlsberg , the brewer , on Tuesday warned of price increases as costs swelled for malt and barley .

  3. 随后,它又在亚洲展开了一系列收购,最近一笔是今年6月以3.79亿美元增持了中国重庆啤酒(ChongqingBrewery)的股份。但韦耀国表示,嘉士伯当前的优先任务是整合与执行。

    Further acquisitions followed in Asia , most recently a $ 379m deal in June to lift its stake in China 's Chongqing Brewery , but Mr Rasmussen says the priority is now integration and execution .

  4. 事实上,ReD等集团称,人类学家如今在越来越多的公司中崭露头角,比如三星(Samsung)、阿迪达斯(Adidas)、嘉士伯(Carlsberg)、乐高(Lego)等。

    Indeed , groups such as ReD say anthropologists are now cropping up in an increasing range of companies , such as Samsung , Adidas , Carlsberg , Lego and so on .

  5. 丹麦啤酒酿造商嘉士伯(Carlsberg)在泰国遇到麻烦。由于2003年嘉士伯单方面从其亚洲合资企业中撤出,其前合作伙伴ChangBeverages试图在曼谷和伦敦对其提起诉讼,索赔25亿美元。

    Carlsberg , the Danish brewer , ran into trouble in Thailand when its former partner Chang Beverages tried to sue it in Bangkok and London for US $ 2.5bn in damages over the Danish company 's unilateral withdrawal from their Asian partnership in 2003 .

  6. 在今年的嘉士伯,野花依旧盛开。

    The wildflowers were still abloom in Jasper this year .

  7. 而这对嘉士伯意味着40%的账面损失。

    Which would mean a 40-per-cent paper loss for Carlsberg .

  8. 嘉士伯:可能是世界上最好的啤酒。

    Carsberg : probably the best beer in the world .

  9. 就是处理好嘉士伯和我哥哥。

    Is deal with Jasper and my brother .

  10. 嘉士伯通过嘉士伯基金,多年来一直在赞助科学研究。

    Carlsberg Brewery for many years has sponsored scientific research through the Carlsberg Foundation .

  11. 我们已经看到你们在嘉士伯地区挣扎度过了许多提升年份。

    We have watched you struggle through many years of ascension in the Jasper Region .

  12. 嘉士伯少于1美元。

    Carlsberg is less than $ 1 .

  13. 图为长城脚下的嘉士伯公司送货车。

    The picture shows the delivery car of Carlsberg at the foot of Great Wall .

  14. 我非常享受我的工作&记嘉士伯中国集团市务总监叶伟翔先生

    I enjoy my work : Stories about Mr : Ernest Ip , Marketing Director of Carlsberg

  15. 利物浦和嘉士伯17年的合作关系将于本赛季结束后终止。

    The17-year affiliation between Carlsberg and Liverpool will finish at the end of the current season .

  16. 我们最喜爱拜访的地方之一,就是嘉士伯的所有湖泊溪流。

    One of our most favorite places to visit was all the lakes and waterways in Jasper .

  17. 第三、四章将重点放在嘉士伯中国公司雇主品牌建设实践研究上。

    Chapter 3 and 4 are focus on the practical design of Employ Brand for Carlsberg China companies .

  18. 一些分析师怀疑,嘉士伯能否将在中国西部的优势,转化业务的进一步普及。

    Some analysts question whether the company can translate its strength in Western China into a broader presence .

  19. 丹麦嘉士伯啤酒厂工人开始闹罢工了,因为老板颁发了一项禁酒令。

    Hundreds of Carlsberg workers have gone on strike for a second day after a'beer ban'was imposed by bosses .

  20. 哥本哈根有很多值得一看美术馆和博物馆,新嘉士伯美术馆就是其中一个。

    There are lots of art museums ans galleries in Copenhagen , New Carlsberg Art Museum is one of them .

  21. 韦耀国表示,中国市场能容纳四、五个大型啤酒商,而嘉士伯将成为其中之一。

    Mr Rasmussen says there is room for four or five big brewers in China and insists Carlsberg will be among them .

  22. 嘉士伯上周表示,公司登上水污染名单,是因为当时其污水处理厂的建设遭遇拖延。

    Carlsberg yesterday said it was placed on the water pollution list while construction of the waste water plant was held up .

  23. 大多数啤酒是用下面酵母发酵而成的,酵母与嘉士伯酵母菌有关,并沉降于发酵缸底部的一种酵母。

    Most beers are fermented with bottom yeasts , related to Saccharomyces carlsbergensis , which settle at the bottom of the fermentation vat .

  24. 至于卡通片,我喜欢的有《臭虫巴尼》、《好鬼嘉士伯》、《休伊宝贝》等等。我把休伊宝贝当作我一样的人物。

    For cartoons , I preferred Bugs Bunny , Casper the Friendly Ghost , and Baby Huey , with whom I probably identified .

  25. 首先分析了嘉士伯啤酒公司进入中国市场十年来持续发展的现状,针对该公司在人力资源市场上面临的挑战,指出嘉士伯中国公司持续发展过程中,建设雇主品牌的必要性和重要意义。

    It starts from an overview of 10 years development of Carlsberg in China market and points out challenges Carlsberg China is facing .

  26. 不过,嘉士伯正在亚洲开发新的增长引擎,以减少对俄罗斯的依赖,尤其是在中国、越南和印度等地。

    Still , Carlsberg is aiming to reduce dependence on Russia by developing another growth engine in Asia particularly China , Vietnam and India .

  27. 知情人士表示,随着嘉士伯获得实际控制权,重庆啤酒如今的目标将是成为第四大生产商。

    People familiar with the matter said that , with Carlsberg in effective control , Chongqing Brewery would now aim to become a top-four producer .

  28. 嘉士伯正在做一项它自称为客户漏斗的工作。这是一种关系,一端是品牌认知,另一端是客户忠诚。

    Carlsberg is working on what it calls its consumer " funnel ", a relationship that has awareness at one end and customer loyalty at the other .

  29. 中国高端啤酒市场基本为百威、喜力、嘉士伯等国外啤酒品牌所控制。

    It has to be acknowledged that high-end beer market of China is almost controlled by foreign beer brands , such as Budweiser , Heineken , and Carlsberg .

  30. 在丹麦,一些公司的建立是为了服务其母公司的长远利益,例如嘉士伯和乐高。

    Denmark has a number of organisations such as the Carlsberg foundation and the LEGO foundation , set up partly to look after the long-term interests of their parent companies .