
  • 网络Jiayin County
  1. 以GIS技术为支撑,基于地形图和MSS、TM影像,从数量、类型、空间分布及重心转移几个方面分析了嘉荫县耕地的时空变化规律,探讨了耕地变化的原因。

    Based on relief map , TM image and MSS image , vector data sets of cultivated land were extracted and changes of cultivated land and its driving factors in Jiayin county were analyzed on the respects of quantity , types , spatial distribution and center of gravity .

  2. 嘉荫县农业可持续发展与水土保持

    Agriculture Sustainable Development and Water Soil Conservation in Jiayin County

  3. 嘉荫县渔业生产研究

    The study of fishery production in Jia Yin County

  4. 中华恐龙塔拟建于黑龙江省嘉荫县恐龙地质公园,建成后为我国当代建设最高的无筋石砌体结构建筑,属于超限建筑。

    The China Dinosaur Pagoda will be built in Jiayin County Dinosaur Geological Park , Heilongjiang Province . It is the highest overrun unreinforced buildings of stone structure in China modern time when completed .