
  • 网络Glencore International;GLEN
  1. 全球最大商品交易商(瑞士)嘉能可国际公司将向人们证实该行业的吸引力有多强:坊间盛传该公司正在考虑投资印度食用油企业“KS食用油品公司”。

    Glencore , the world 's biggest commodity trader , may be about to confirm the industry 's allure : rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils , an Indian edible-oil firm .

  2. 受消费者对粮食和食用油需求激增的影响,日用品交易巨头嘉能可国际盈利显著增长。

    Commodities trading giant Glencore has reported a sharp rise in profits and revenue thanks to strong demand for grain and oil in particular .