
  • 网络monsoon circulation;Monsoonal circulation
  1. 由于季风环流的输送作用,我国南部AOD减少,华北和东北地区AOD增加,所产生的AOD变化可达到±0.35。

    Due to the transport role of monsoon circulation , AOD decreases in the South China but increases in the North and Northeast China , the resulting changes in AOD can reach ± 0.35 .

  2. 副高脊线附近伴随的次级环流,即副热带季风环流圈(STMC),以及高层为辐合和下沉运动距平,非常有利于副高的强度偏强。

    Subtropical monsoon circulation ( STMC ) which is accompanying around ridge line of subtropical high and upper convergent departure are both helpful for subtropical high to be stronger .

  3. 150°E&170°W之间为季风环流与信风环流的连接区或过渡区。

    From 150 ° E to 170 ° W lies a region of joining or transition between the monsoon and trade circulation .

  4. 分析表明:东亚夏季风年际变化与印度洋-西太平洋上空反Walker环流及夏季越赤道南北半球间的季风环流呈显著正相关关系。

    Results show that the summer monsoon bears significant anti correlation relationship with the anti Walker circulation over Indian and western Pacific oceans and the cross equatorial monsoon circulation in Asia .

  5. 利用ECMWF高度场资料,详细分析了1985年(旱年)和1991年(涝年)5月主要季风环流系统的旬平均和旬距平特征。

    In the context of ECMWF height data , investigation is conducted of the decadal mean and anomaly characteristics of major summer monsoon systems in May , 1985 ( of drought ) and 1991 ( severe flood ) .

  6. 孟加拉湾深对流加热对东亚季风环流系统的影响

    Effect of Bob deep convection heating on East Asian monsoon circulation

  7. 季风环流的正压低阶截谱模式

    The barotropic low order truncated spectral model of the monsoon circulation

  8. 关于东亚地区夏季季风环流圈的数值试验

    A numerical experiment on monsoon circulation cell over East Asia during summer

  9. 源于澳洲过赤道气流与中国季风环流和降水

    Cross - equator flow from Australia and monsoon over China

  10. 指出它们与夏季印度季风环流系统之间存在着密切的联系。

    They are closely related with the Indian Monsoon Systems .

  11. 影响东亚季风环流异常因子的敏感性试验

    A sensitivity simulation for anomalous factors influencing the monsoon circulation in East Asia

  12. 季风环流对黑龙江省气候的影响分析

    Climatic Influence Analysis of Monsoon Circulation in Heilongjiang Province

  13. 揭示出东亚季风环流系统及其成员;

    The monsoon circulation system in East Asia and its members are revealed .

  14. 七月季风环流发展的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of development of monsoon circulation in July

  15. 较多的潜热释放反馈导致季风环流的加强。

    The feedback of the physical processes caused the strengthening of the monsoon circulation .

  16. 西太平洋季风环流的特征

    The characteristics of monsoonal circulation over Western Pacific

  17. 夏季亚非地区季风环流形成中大地形和不同加热因子的作用

    The effects of topography and heating components on the formation of summer monsoon in Asia-Africa

  18. 季风环流可以分解为经向环流和纬向环流。

    The monsoon circulation can be decomposed into the zonal circulation and the meridional circulation .

  19. 冬季亚澳季风环流的低频耦合过程

    Low - frequency coupling processes between Asian and Australian monsoon circulations in the northern winter

  20. 对于全球最显著南亚季风环流的分析表明,南亚季风环流也存在明显的年代际时间尺度的变化。

    The study of the South Asia monsoon circulation clearly shows that there is interdecadal variation it .

  21. 对印度季风环流系统而言,非洲大陆的影响远大于印度大陆。

    For the formation of IMS , the impact of Africa is greater than that of Indian subcontinent ;

  22. 夏季印度季风环流系统与我国长江上游区域性持续暴雨的关系

    The relationship between Indian monsoon systems in summer and the continuous heavy-rain over upper reaches of the Changjiang

  23. 冬夏东亚季风环流对太平洋热状况的响应

    The Response of East Asian Monsoon Circulation between Winter and Summer to Sea Surface Temperature over the Pacific Ocean

  24. 中南半岛对东亚季风环流系统形成起着关键作用,同时对印度季风系统也能产生一定的影响。

    Indochina Peninsula not only has key effects on the formation of EAMS , but influences IMS to some extent ;

  25. 其它至少有21.8%可能来源于季风环流对沿途蒸发水汽的输送。

    The other 21.8 % may come from the transportation of the monsoon circulation to the evaporation vapor on the way .

  26. 重建闭流型湖泊的水位及环境变化可以为研究冰后期及全新世以来的气候变化及季风环流演变提供不可或缺的关键信息。

    Lake-level reconstruction for closed-basin lakes in China may provide key-site information important for the study of Asian monsoon evolution of the Holocene .

  27. 由于深受季风环流的影响,长江文化与黄河文化均可称之为季风文化。

    Because of the influence of the monsoon circulation , both the Yangtze culture and the Huanghe culture can be called " monsoon culture " .

  28. 而南海热带季风环流与源于澳大利亚的跨赤道气流,南支高空东风相联系。

    Whereas the monsoonal circulation in the tropical South China Sea is related to the cross - equatorial current from Australia and the southern upper Easterlies .

  29. 结果表明:四川盆地初夏干旱的季风环流特征是高原季风偏弱,高原季风低压偏西,我国东部地区东亚季风偏弱,东亚季风槽偏南;

    The results are as follows : The characteristics of Plateau monsoon and East Asian monsoon for drought and wet years in early summer are different .

  30. 后者和经典模式不同,推断主要受副副热带季风环流的作用,并且副热带季风环流有超前副高进退的指示意义。

    It is inferred that the ridge is subject to subtropical monsoon circulation , which is early indicative of the advance and retreat of the high .