
  1. 另一方面由于我国特殊地理位置而使其气候变化又有着自身的一些特点,如季风气候特征明显,大陆性气候强,且气候类型多样。

    On the other hand , which have some unique climatic characteristics induced by special geographical location , such as distinct monsoon climate , strong continental climate and various climatic types .

  2. 结果表明:(1)东莞气温具有明显的季风气候特征,且不呈现正态分布,属于有偏的高峰态或低峰态分布。

    From the results it is known that ( 1 ) the temperatures have obvious characters of monsoon climate but do not have normal distribution , showing biased distribution of high or low kurtosis ;

  3. 通化属于温带大陆性季风气候,特征是春季风大干燥,夏季温热多雨,秋季凉爽,冬季漫长。

    Tonghua has temperate continental climate , which is characterized by strong winds in spring , dry 、 warm and rainy in summer , cool in autumn , winter longer .

  4. 可以认为,西双版纳地区降雨既有热带季风气候的特征,也有其自身的特点,由此带来的森林水文生态效应值得探讨。

    As a result , the rainfall in Xishuangbanna have the not only characteristics of tropical monsoon climate , but also its own traits , so it is necessary to research on eco-hydrological effect in local forest ecosystem due to the input of rainfall .

  5. 高原季风的平均气候特征

    On climatic characteristics of the Xizang Plateau Monsoon

  6. 结果表明:(1)枣庄气温具有明显的季风性大陆气候特征,总体呈现正态分布。

    The results show : ( 1 ) The temperature had obvious climate characteristics of land monsoon and normal distribution ;

  7. 北京的气候类型是典型的温带季风气候。其特征为:夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥。

    Beijing 's climate is typical continental monsoon climate characterized by hot and rainy summers , cold and dry winters .

  8. 结果显示本区气候总体冷期易旱、暖期易涝,显示季风气候区的特征。

    It is revealed that droughts often occur in the cold periods while floods in the warm , indicating the monsoon climate change .

  9. 南海西沙地区季风季节变化的气候特征

    Seasonal Evolution of Climatic Characteristics of Summer Monsoon over Xisha Area

  10. 模式模拟出季风区的地面气候特征,表明其与大气状态和下垫面性质关系密切;

    The model simulated the surface climate , too , and shows that the surface climate characteristics are closely related to the atmospheric states and the physical properties of the underlying surfaces .

  11. 夏季南海季风槽与印度季风槽的气候特征之比较

    Comparison of Climate Characteristics Between Two Summer Monsoon Troughs over the South China Sea and India

  12. 长江三角洲位于太平洋西岸,亚洲大陆东缘,处于东亚季风影响范围内,有着典型的季风气候特征。

    Yangtze River Delta is located in the west coast of the Pacific Ocean and east of the Asian Continent , within the sphere of the East Asian monsoon , has a typical monsoon climate characteristic .

  13. 全县位于中纬度地区,属东亚大陆季风气候,中温带干旱区,大陆性季风气候特征明显,四季分明。

    County is located in mid-latitudes is the mainland of East Asia monsoon climate , the drought in the temperate zone continental monsoon climate characteristics , four distinct seasons .

  14. 结果表明,东亚季风区是气候与生态系统相互作用最为强烈的地区之一,这里陆地生态系统的时空变率表现出明显的对季风气候的响应特征;

    The results show that the East Asia monsoon region , where the temporal and spatial variability of the terrestrial ecosystems show significant responsive features to monsoon climate , acts as the one with the strongest climate and ecosystem interactions .