
zāi hài xìng tiān qì
  • disastrous weather
灾害性天气[zāi hài xìng tiān qì]
  1. 它随时空的变化对气象预报特别是水平尺度100km左右、生命史只有几个小时的中小尺度灾害性天气的监测和预报具有特别重要的指示意义。

    With the change of time and space it is very important to weather forecasting especially to the monitoring and prediction of meso-scale and micro-scale disastrous weather .

  2. 非平衡热力学在短期灾害性天气预报中的应用

    Applications of nonequilibrium thermodynamics on short & range disastrous weather prediction

  3. 全球变暖本身并不是真正的问题;可能由它引发的灾害性天气变化才是问题所在。

    Global warming per se is not really the problem ; the catastrophic climate changes which might be caused by it are .

  4. 基于Internet平台的灾害性天气预警信号及气象信息发布系统

    Internet-Based Disaster Weather Warning and Meteorological Information Distributing System

  5. 实际应用结果表明,C星资料在环境与灾害性天气的监测分析、预报和预警等方面发挥了重要作用。

    The application results showed that data of FY-2C satellite and its products had played an important role in environment monitoring and catastrophic weather analysis , forecasting and warning .

  6. 可以认为,CI的发生是强对流天气活动开始的标志,因而,对CI进行成功的预警,也就成为了灾害性天气监测预警的重要环节。

    CI is the beginning symbol of the strong convection weather event . Thus , the accurate forecasting of CI is important for convective weather warning .

  7. 利用EC数值预报客观分析场、实时观测资料和灾情统计资料,对2004年我国重大灾害性天气事件和环流形势特征进行了天气学分析。

    Based on analysis data of EC numerical model , real-time observation and statistical calamitous data , a synoptic analysis of the weather and the circulation situation in 2004 is made .

  8. 灾害性天气/气候高性能模拟器,是我们根据研究项目需要,巧妙地学习Beowulf模型研制而成。

    The high performance simulator for disaster weather and climate is designed according to the research project in reference to the Beowulf model .

  9. 多普勒雷达以其高时空分辨率、实时准确的主动遥感探测能力成为灾害性天气监测和短时天气预报等方面极为有效的工具,国家正在建设中国新一代天气雷达CINRAD网。

    Doppler radar is the effective tool in disaster surveillance and weather forecast for its high space-time identification and powerful initiative remote sensing in real-time .

  10. 台风Utor(0104)于2001年7月6日00时(UTC,下同)在广东汕尾地区登陆,带来比较严重的灾害性天气。

    Typhoon Utor ( 0104 ) made landfall to Shanwei of Guangdong province at 00 UTC on 6 July 2001 and caused severe and disastrous weather .

  11. 天气预报分为简单模型预报和数据统计预报,引入了SVM算法,使用PSO算法对其参数进行优化,并应用于常规天气预报、灾害性天气预报和气象环境预报中。

    The weather forecast module includes simple forecast models and statistics forecast models . In the statistics forecast model , SVM algorithm is introduced , with the parameters optimized by PSO algorithm , which is applied to conventional weather forcast , weather-related disasters forecast and weather conditions forecast .

  12. 广东省中山市气象局引进中国移动通信公司的GRPS无线业务通讯技术,取代常规电话拨号方式,用于完成中尺度灾害性天气监测网中22个自动气象站观测资料的采集和传输。

    The China Mobile GRPS wireless communication technology was adopted instead of the routine telephone dial mode in the collection and transmission of observation data of 22 automatic weather stations .

  13. 灾害性天气对道路运营安全的影响分析与车速控制

    The road operating safety and operating speed under atrocious weather condition

  14. 新疆高等级公路沿线灾害性天气及其分布

    Distributions of harsh weather climate along high-grade highway in Xinjiang province

  15. 灾害性天气事件长期预测的灰色理论方法及实例应用

    Grey theory method for long-term disastrous weather forecast and its application

  16. 雷达遥感新技术及其在灾害性天气探测中的应用

    Advanced radar technology and Application on observation of disaster weathers

  17. 1961~2005年南宁灾害性天气气候事件的变化

    Changes in Disastrous Weather Climate Events in Nanning During 1961 ~ 2005

  18. 宁夏主要灾害性天气精细化预报概念模型

    Conceptual model for fine forecast of main disaster weather events in Ningxia

  19. 全市性降雪是韶关市的灾害性天气之一。

    Snowfall is one of the meteorological disasters in Shaoguan .

  20. 灾害性天气对大丽花的影响及预防措施

    Effect of disastrous climate on dahlia pinnata and prevention measure

  21. 南充地区主要灾害性天气与太阳活动关系的探讨

    Relationship between main disastrous weather and solar activity in Nanchong

  22. 城市轨道交通灾害性天气的定义、分类及研究方向

    Definition and Classification of Hazardous Weathers on Urban Mass Transit

  23. 暴雨是影响江苏的主要灾害性天气之一。

    Rainstorm is one of the main disastrous weathers that affect Jiangsu .

  24. 基于静止气象卫星云图的灾害性天气识别

    Disaster Weather Recognition Based on the Stationary Meteorology Satellite Images

  25. 2004年我国重大灾害性天气和大尺度环流特征

    Analysis of the Calamitous Weather and Large-scale Circulation in 2004

  26. 哈尔滨市中尺度灾害性天气监测预警系统

    The medium-scale disaster weather observing and forecasting system in Harbin

  27. 新疆高等级公路灾害性天气事故预防系统研究

    Study on the Precautionary System of Freeway under Disaster Weather Condition in Xinjiang

  28. 四维空时难以形象表示。第四章气象预报与灾害性天气警报

    Four-dimensional space-time defies visualization . Chapter IV Meteorological Forecast and Severe earlier Warning

  29. 暴雨是我国大部分地区多发的一种灾害性天气。

    Rainstorm is one of the most disastrous weather .

  30. 灾害性天气对杂交稻制种的影响及应对措施

    Effect of unfavourable weather on the hybrid rice seed production and technical countermeasures