
rè dài fēnɡ bào
  • tropical storm
  1. 热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。

    Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida 's coast .

  2. 在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。

    A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic .

  3. 想到热带风暴的危险,我决定不出门。

    Mindful of the danger of tropical storms , I decided not to go out .

  4. 飓风中心警告人们,不要对热带风暴的危险掉以轻心。

    The Hurricane Center warns people not to take the threat of tropical storms lightly

  5. 她走了出去,消失在热带风暴中。

    She exits into the tropical storm

  6. CO2浓度增加对西北太平洋热带风暴气候特征的影响

    Influence of increasing CO_2 concentration on Northwestern Pacific tropical storm climatology

  7. 中尺度数值模式对1996年热带风暴TOM转变温带气旋过程的特征分析

    Analysis on the Process of Tropical Storm TOM 's Transformation to Extratropical Cyclone

  8. 飓风Alex的威力现在已经减弱,现在已经降级为热带风暴。让我们简单地来说一下。

    Hurricane Alex is losing its punch now officially d to a tropical storm , And let 's talk Alex real quickly here .

  9. 热带风暴Fiona预期将在周三抵达部分地区。

    Tropical Storm Fiona is expected to reach parts of the area by Wednesday .

  10. 热带风暴Ida引起的暴雨正在肆虐大西洋中部。

    Heavy rain from what 's left of the tropical storm -- Ida is now battering the mid Atlantic .

  11. 昨日,热带风暴isaac让共和党全国代表大会举办地坦帕暴雨如注,并向墨西哥湾进发。

    The tropical storm Isaac drenched Tampa , site of the Convention , yesterday and headed into the Gulf of Mexico .

  12. 尽管如此,模式的模拟结果仍然很好地反映了热带风暴(TOM)减弱后的再加强过程,揭示了热带风暴转变为温带气旋的三维热力及动力的特征结构。

    Anyway , the model still showed the re-intensification process after TOM 's downgrade from tropical storm to extratropical cyclone , demonstrating the 3 dimensional thermodynamic and dynamic structure characteristics during TOM 's transformation .

  13. 热带风暴issac预计将变为2级飓风。

    Issac is expected to grow to a category 2 hurricane .

  14. 热带风暴Ana正旺维尔京群岛方向移动,就是屏幕左边的这一个。

    Tropical storm Ana , she is headed towards the Virgin Islands , that 's the one alone on the left of your screen .

  15. 据NPR新闻的特瑞·格拉汉姆从迈阿密带来的报道,热带风暴“亚瑟”可能在本周末达到飓风级别。

    NPR 's Trey Graham reports from Miami Tropical Storm Arthur may reach hurricane strength by the end of this week .

  16. 由墨西哥湾(gulfofmexico)出发、或类似桑迪这样从委内瑞拉出发的热带风暴,在到达冰冷的北部海洋后通常会不断损失能量直至最终消失。

    Tropical storms starting off by the Gulf of Mexico or , in the case of sandy , Venezuela , tended to lose energy and fizzle out when they hit the cold northern ocean .

  17. 我们先来看一下Karl,因为Karl几个小时前在尤卡坦半岛以热带风暴的形式登陆。

    We start with Karl and then , because Karl made a land fall a couple of hours ago on the Yucatan Peninsula as a very strong tropical storm .

  18. 热带风暴Bilis(2006)登陆期间一波非对称降水分布成因的探讨

    Causes of wave number-1 asymmetric rainfall distribution of tropical storm Bilis ( 2006 ) during its landfall

  19. 大会的议程安排得十分紧凑,而这主要是由于周一的热带风暴Issac的到来。

    This after postponing most of Monday 's events , because of tropical storm Issac .

  20. 美国汽油价格昨日跃升,这是因为热带风暴“艾萨克”(isaac)即将席卷墨西哥湾,迫使炼油厂在燃油库存下降之际停产。

    Us petrol prices leapt as tropical storm Isaac churned across the Gulf of Mexico , forcing refineries to batten down operations at a time of declining fuel stocks .

  21. 热带风暴Jeanne使这个加勒比小国身陷泥沼,2500人在洪水和山崩中丧生、数以千计的居民流离失所。

    Tropical Storm Jeanne deluged the tiny Caribbean country . Resulting flooding and landslides killed up to 2,500 people and displacing thousands more .

  22. 热带风暴Fitow(0114)暴雨的中尺度特征及成因分析

    Mesoscale Characteristics and causes of tropical storm fitow ( 0114 ) heavy rain

  23. 飓风Claudette从海岸来袭,该热带风暴今天清晨在佛罗里达Panhandle地区登陆,现在减弱成为低气压。

    Claudette came ashore , as the tropical storm in the Florida Panhandle early this morning now d to a depression .

  24. 长江口防波堤在建造期间遭到了强热带风暴的袭击,致使一部分沉箱结构或沉入土中1~5m,或偏移初始位置20m。

    During constructing the guiding dike in Yangtze Estuary , some of the caisson structures were sinking into the soil for 1 ~ 5 m or sliding away about 20m from the original place , when a strong storm was attacking this area .

  25. 洪水占地面积9月9日在宾夕法尼亚州Bloomsburg,的巷道后,李继续在一夜之间产生大雨从热带风暴的残余。

    Flood water covers the roadway Sept.9 in Bloomsburg , Pa. , after remnants from tropical Storm Lee continued to produce heavy rain overnight .

  26. 本文意在通过中尺度模式MM5(V3-2版)对发生在西北太平洋1996年热带风暴TOM转变温带气旋变性过程的模拟,对其发生及演变过程进行三维热力和动力的结构分析。

    By using MM5 ( V3-2 ), the transformation of TOM ( a tropical storm in 1996 in Northwestern Pacific Ocean ) from tropical storm to extratropical cyclone is simulated , also , the thermodynamic and dynamic structures are analyzed during Tom 's evolution .

  27. 温州9909热带风暴外围特大暴雨分析

    Study of Wenzhou Abnormal Heavy Rain Associated With 9909 Tropic Cyclone

  28. 热带风暴内特在墨西哥的韦拉克鲁斯州登陆。

    Tropical Storm Nate makes landfall in Mexico 's Veracruz state .

  29. 一次强热带风暴引发的阶段性强降水分析

    Analysis of a staged heavy precipitation caused by severe tropical storm

  30. 西北太平洋热带风暴活动及其影响

    Tropical Storms in the North - West Pacific and Its Effect