
rè dài cǎo yuán
  • savanna
  1. 玩家只是在热带草原上观察野生动物,然后拍些虚拟照片。

    Players simply observe wild animals in the savanna and take virtual photos .

  2. 赤道地区以南是一片树木稀少的草原,称为热带草原。

    South of the equatorial region is the tree-dotted grassland called the savanna .

  3. 热带草原普通的猴子,绿灰色的背部、黄色的尾巴。

    Common savannah monkey with greenish-gray back and yellow tail .

  4. 它取道河堤,随后爬上了热带草原。

    It makes its way to the riverbank before clambering up into the savanna .

  5. 热带草原和爱尔兰葱翠的绿色牧场大不一样。

    The tropical grasslands are a far cry from the lush green pastures of ireland .

  6. 在辽阔开放的热带草原上,小猎豹可以凭借身上蓬松的灰色毛皮隐藏在长长的草丛中。

    A fluffy gray mantle and patches of tall grass help a cub hide on the open savanna .

  7. 而有刺的金合欢树更多地长在开阔的热带草原中,在那,它们需要保护自己。

    But the thorny acacia are more numerous on the open savanna , where they need to defend themselves .

  8. 猎豹通常栖息在草地或者其他开阔的环境中,人们经常在热带草原上看见猎豹,在沙漠和崎岖的山地中有时也能发现它们的踪迹。

    Cheetahs mostly live in grassy or open areas like savannas , but sometimes they are found in deserts and mountains .

  9. 苏丹干旱的热带草原是阿拉伯胶的主要产地,这种胶的全球市场份额到达9000万美元。

    Sudan 's dry savannas are a major source of the gum , whose global market is worth US $ 90 million .

  10. 几月后,我们结婚了,我们想通过这次旅行看看野生动物和热带草原。真是太美了。

    We married a few months later , and this was the trip where we really went to see the animals and to see the savanna .

  11. 塞拉多上的森林,现在消失的速度比以前更快了。塞拉多是零星点缀着树木的热带草原,而这些树木一度覆盖着巴西腹地的大部分地区。

    The forests of the Cerrado , an area of savannah punctuated with trees that once covered much of central Brazil , are disappearing even faster .

  12. 热带草原河流站点主要负责核武器、燃料的安全贮存,以及环境与核废物的管理。

    Savannah River Site serves the nation through safe , secure , cost-effective management of our nuclear weapons stockpile , nuclear materials , and the environment .

  13. 南非广阔的地貌囊括了热带草原、雪山、森林、热带沼泽无穷的海岸沙滩、宁静的河流和喧闹的都市。

    South Africa 's vast landscape includes seavannahs , snow-covered mountains , forests , tropical swaps , endless beaches , tranquil rivers and bustling urban centers .

  14. 如在美国玉米带的寒冷地区和阿根廷的干旱热带草原地区,条施是磷肥施用的优选方法。

    For example , in colder soils of the American corn belt and drier areas of the Argentine pampas , banding is the preferred method for phosphate fertilization .

  15. 无论在撒哈拉以南非洲的干燥热带草原还是在美拉尼西亚茂密的森林中都可以听到犀鸟如雷的叫声。

    From loud barks to thunderous booms , hornbill cries resound across a range that extends from the dry savannas of sub-Saharan Africa to the lush forests of Melanesia .

  16. 然而,由于人类活动的影响和过度开发利用,40年间,这片热带草原已遭到严重破坏,面积和蕴藏量都大幅度减少。

    This tropical grassland , however , has been severely destroyed due to the effects of human activities and excessive utilization , which has been rapidly dwindled over the past 40 years .

  17. 他说,前哥伦布时代农民的非烧荒方法,使季节性洪涝的热带草原改造成多产的农田。

    He says this fire-free method by the pre-Columbian farmers helped change the seasonally flooded , or grassland , into productive cropland . Raised fields provide better drainage and soil aeration and also hold moisture during the dry season .

  18. 狮子可以在很不同自然环境中生存,无论是热带草原还是高山。虽然狮子可以在干旱的环境中生存,但迄今为止,沙漠和雨林还没有发现狮子的踪迹。

    They have been known to occupy a wide range of habitats from tall grassy areas to high mountains , and the only places where they have not been found are deserts and rainforests . However , they can survive in very arid environments .

  19. 约二百万年前,这些直立猿人在非洲的热带稀树草原进化

    These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago ,

  20. 这里有东非最大最完整的热带稀树草原。

    The largest intact savanna in East Africa .

  21. 热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。

    The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs .

  22. 为了创造这样的景象,即使是来自热带大草原的吉姆隆也瑟瑟发抖了好几个小时。这的确是一个感人的故事。

    Even though a savanna man shivered for hours to create this scene , it 's really a heart-warming story .

  23. 两者皆生活在茂密的丛林到热带稀树草原,以小家族群形式活动,由年老母象带领。

    Elephants live in habitats ranging from thick jungle to savanna , in small family groups led by old cows .

  24. 在坦桑尼亚的塞伦吉地国家公园里,一只金色的狮子和它的孩子正沐浴在热带大草原温暖的阳光中。

    A golden lioness and her cub bask in the warmth of a savanna sun in Tanzania 's Serengeti National Park .

  25. 错误叠加能够解释为何复杂的生态系统(比如雨林)往往比简单的生态系统(比如热带稀树草原)更为脆弱。

    Error cascades can explain why complex ecosystems ( like rainforests ) tend to be more fragile than simple ones ( like savannahs ) .

  26. 河马、大象、长颈鹿、狮子、豹以及各类物种,在这遍热带大草原的森林地,依靠卢安瓜河流给予的供水,各自在这分水岭里繁荣昌盛。

    Hippos , elephants , giraffes , lions , leopards , and scores of other species flourish in this savanna-woodland watershed , watered by the Luangwa River .

  27. 中国东亚飞蝗新类型蝗区&海南热带稀树草原蝗区的生态地理特征及其与大沙河蝗区比较

    A new type of locust area in china ── the ecological geography characteristics of the tropical savannah locust area in Hainan as compared with the river delta type of locust area

  28. 面包树常见于非洲和印度的热带大草原上,有如上天赐予当地居民的礼物一般。几乎树的每一部分都被加以利用,以制成食物,药物,甚至是茅屋。

    Found in the savannas of Africa and India , the baobab is a godsend to locals who use nearly every part of the tree for food , medicine , and even shelter .

  29. 尽管在诸多野生动物保护组织的努力下,非洲沙漠、热带大草原和森林里的狮子数量有所增加,但大部分的狮子还是在国家公园或自然保护区内。

    Now , these great creatures are commonly found in national parks and reserves , however and various reintroduction programs have increased their numbers in these areas including deserts , savannas , grasslands and woodlands .

  30. 毕竟,充满捕食者的热带稀树大草原并不是一个会让人分心的地方。

    A savanna full of predators , after all , was not a place to get distracted .