
  • 网络Sanya;Sanya City
  1. 三亚市综合医院网络报告肺结核患者转诊追踪情况分析

    Survey of referral of hospital online-reported pulmonary tuberculosis cases in Sanya

  2. 三亚市也因此别称“鹿城”。

    Sanya also therefore alternate name " Lucheng " .

  3. 三亚市、琼中县的监测资料表明,由于育龄妇女TT免疫率提高,NNT发病率较1996年分别下降61.29%、82.05%。

    The surveillance data of Sanya City and Qiongzhong County indicated the NNT morbidity in 1997 had declined 61.29 % , 82.05 % than that in 1996 respectively due to the improvement of TT immunization rate .

  4. 海南省三亚市的生态环境建设

    The construction of ecological environment in Sanya City of Hainan Province

  5. 三亚市位于海南岛最南部,具有得天独厚的生态环境优势。

    Sanya City is situated in the southern most of Hainan Island .

  6. 三亚市健身俱乐部现状的调查与对策分析

    An analysis on the situation and countermeasures of body-building clubs in Sanya

  7. 三亚市土地利用/覆被变化及其驱动机制研究

    Land Use and Land Cover Change and Its Driving Forces in Sanya

  8. 三亚市私立学校学生健康体检结果分析

    Results of health checkup of pupils of private schools in Sanya City

  9. 海南省三亚市开发区疟疾流行潜势的调查研究

    Study on malaria epidemic potential in Sanya developing area , hainan Province

  10. 三亚市3月份突发性暴雨个例分析及预报

    Analysis Of Individual Sharp Storm In March of Shanya And Its Forecast

  11. 三亚市儿童计划免疫效果评价

    Evaluation on the effect of immunization program in infants of Sanya City

  12. 三亚市实施世行贷款妇幼卫生项目效果分析

    Results of MHC Project with World Bank Loan implemented in Sanya City

  13. 三亚市畜牧业发展构想

    Developing Consideration of the Animal Husbandry of Sanya City

  14. 海南省三亚市部分果蔬重金属含量与污染评价

    Assessment of Vegetable and Fruit Heavy Metal Pollution in Sanya , Hainan Province

  15. 三亚市三种不同职业女性生殖健康状况调查

    Survey of reproductive health condition of females in three different occupations in Sanya

  16. 三亚市1993~2002年肺结核病疫情分析

    Epidemiological analysis of infectious status of tuberculosis in Sanya City from 1993 to 2002

  17. 三亚市2004~2007年甲型肝炎发病情况分析

    Incidence and prevalent features of hepatitis A in Sanya City in 2004 ~ 2007

  18. 三亚市1994~2000年水体放射水平监测

    Surveillance of radiation level of water bodies in Sanya City in 1994 ~ 2000

  19. 2000~2004年三亚市中秋月饼卫生监测分析

    Results of monitoring the hygienic conditions of mooncake in Sanya City during 2000 ~ 2004

  20. 三亚市景观大桥之一西河桥

    Landscape Bridge in Sanya City , Hainan Province Bridge 1 : The West River Bridge

  21. 信息技术对图书馆工作的影响&以三亚市图书馆为例

    The Impact of Information Technology on Library Work & Taking Sanya Library as an Example

  22. 三亚市推广民营橡胶新割制的问题与对策

    Problems in New Tapping System Extension in Private Rubber Plantations of Sanya City and Countermeasures

  23. 三亚市热带名花园植物景观营造浅谈

    The Preliminary Research Of The Construction Of Plantation Scenery In The Tropical Famous Plants Park Of Sanya

  24. 特别是南部的三亚市,碧水蓝天,景色迷人。

    Moreover , Sanya City in the south has green seawater , blue sky and charming scenery .

  25. 三亚市农村育龄期妇女接种破伤风类毒素效果分析

    Effectiveness of vaccination of tetanus toxoids in women of child-bearing age in rural areas of Sanya City

  26. 三亚市体育中心体育馆大跨弦支穹顶钢结构设计研究

    Structure design and research of steel large span suspended dome of the gymnasium in Sanya Sports Centre

  27. 三亚市低疟区一起恶性疟疾点状爆发的调查处理

    Survey and treatment of a sporadic outbreak of falciparum malaria in a low endemic areas of Sanya City

  28. 本文定量研究了海南岛三亚市9种小兽类体外寄生蜱的群落结构。

    Community structures of the ticks parasitic on 9 species of small mammals obtained from Hainan were studied .

  29. 南山寺位于海南省三亚市以西40公里南山文化区内的“佛教文化公园”中。

    Nanshan Temple lies in Nanshan Buddhist Culture Garden , 40 kms west of Sanya City , Hainan Province .

  30. 统筹城乡视角下村庄整治建设的模式与途径&以三亚市为例

    Optimal Models and Approaches for Village Renovation Based on Urban-rural Harmonious Development : A Case Study of Sanya City