
  • Romance of The Three Kingdoms;Sangokushi;Warriors of Fate
  1. 《三国志演义》:演义文体的典范

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms : A Model of the Style of Romance Writing

  2. 《三国志通俗演义》无疑是一部具体、生动、鲜活的人物类型化的文学性著作。

    The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms is concrete , vivid and fresh Literature works of characters type .

  3. 笔者选取《三国志》裴松之注入手研究此书,分四章论述之。

    The author starts to study the book with Pei Songzhi .

  4. 《三国志》介词研究

    Study on Preposition in the Annals of San Guo

  5. 论《三国志演义》关于计谋描写的心理战术

    Psychological Tactics of Trick Description in The Three kingdoms

  6. 嘉靖壬午本是目前所见最早的《三国志演义》小说刻本。

    Jiajing Renwu Edition is the earliest of the Three Kingdoms novel edition .

  7. 《三国志》及裴注被动句式研究

    Research on the Passive Sentence of San Guo Zhi and Pei 's Notes

  8. 论《三国志》对孟子民本思想的发展从展示到纪录

    On the Evolution of Civilian Basis Thought of Mencius by Record of Three Empires

  9. 《三国志》是三国志游戏系列中最先进的。

    The most advanced is the Sanguo series .

  10. 《三国志》连动式动词的语义类别及组合序

    Semantic Classification and Combination Sequence of Linked-up Verbs in The History of the Three Kingdoms

  11. 人口记载可能来源于陈寿的《三国志》中的官方记录。

    The population could be derived from the official record of Chen Shou 's Sanguo Zhi .

  12. 霸三国志大战官方认证战队期待各大玩家的参与!

    Pa three Zhida war officially certified team look forward to the participation of major players !

  13. 其主要原因是全力研究《三国志》的专家还非常少。

    The main reason is that the experts that study Records of Three Kingdoms are not enough .

  14. 《三国志》是魏晋间的史学家陈寿所著。

    Annals of Three Kingdoms was written by Chen Shou , a historian between Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  15. 战队成员:负责推广霸三国志大战,教导新手以及与各地玩家的交流;

    Clan : Pa three Zhida responsible for promoting war to teach novice players as well as local exchange ;

  16. 第二章总论《三国志》今译的理论与实践。

    Chapter two presents the theory and practice of modern translation of " The Records of the Three Kingdoms " .

  17. 日本的《钢铁三国志》、《七龙珠》等作品,都是基于中国的传统故事。

    Japan 's " Iron Three Kingdoms "," Dragon Ball " and other works are based on traditional Chinese story .

  18. 《铁血三国志》以三国时期战争故事为背景,是一款冒险类网络游戏。

    San Guo Online is an adventure game based on war stories from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history .

  19. 在全球化背景下,《三国志》今译工作具有广阔的发展前景;

    Under globalization background , the modem translation of " The Records of the Three Kingdoms " has wide development prospects ;

  20. 在此部分,我们把归纳统计出的被动句式进行了细致的分类和详尽的描写,基本整理出《三国志》及裴注中的被动句式系统;

    In this part , I detailed classify and fully depict the passive sentences counted out , basically coordinate their system .

  21. 第八章以《三国志》韩译本为例,就《三国志》韩译工作中值得注意的问题作了简略的分析。

    Chapter eight makes a brief analysis on the key points of the Korean translation of The Records of the Three Kingdoms .

  22. 陈寿《三国志》因其简略基本上只提供了历史大事的纲要,裴松之的注补引录诸书呈现出历史情景曾经的复杂与生动。

    Characterized by its brevity in content , History of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou provides only an outline of important historical events .

  23. 《三国志》的出名程度仅次于《史记》和《汉书》。

    The History of the Three Kingdoms enjoys a fame only next to that of Records of the Historian and History of the Han Dynasty .

  24. 他是香港管弦乐团首位驻团作曲家,并曾指挥该团首演他的第五交响曲《三国志》、第六交响曲《九州岛同》及其它管弦乐。

    He was for three seasons Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra with which he has conducted the premiere of his Symphonies No.5'The Three Kingdoms'and No.6'Reunification ' .

  25. 本文拟从文化变迁与《三国志通俗演义》的成书过程来考察这种缺失。

    The present paper investigates the absence of such description in the process of writing novel , as well as from the situation of cultural change at that time .

  26. 对《三国志演义》传播接受过程中所出现的特点进行文化上的阐释,出现了一些研究文章,但本文力求脱离对个人评点本中的文化进行阐释的窠臼。

    It is temporarily the first case to carried on the cultural interpretation on the feature arising in the process of propagation and acceptance of 《 The Three Kingdoms 》 .

  27. 第一,研究其三层包孕之立体结构艺术,《三国志玉玺传》的整体结构规模宏大严谨,采取主线和隐线相结合的结构形式,显示出弹词艺人构思的巧妙和独具匠心。

    Its overall structure is of large-scale and rigorous , and taken the main line and the line of combining structure , showing the ingenious and originality of the storytelling artist conceived .

  28. 基于本体的历史年代知识元在古籍数字化中的应用&以《三国志》历史年代知识元的抽取、存储和表示为例从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

    Historical Knowledge Element Applied in the Digitalization of Ancient Books Based on the Ontology Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language

  29. 在崇尚儒学的封建社会,作者对墨学的认同性只能隐藏在作品中,《三国志通俗演义》中墨子思想的体现即是很好的例证。

    In the Confucianism-exalted feudal society , the authors'approval of Mohism could only be veiled in their works , the reflection of Mohism in the Romance of the Three kingdoms was a case in point .

  30. 以个人的一管拙见试评《三国志辞典》的优缺点,谨供再版参考及编写其他专书辞典作借鉴。

    This text tries to comment the advantages and disadvantages of San Guo Zhi Dictionary by an individual opinion , in order to supply to reprint the reference sincerely , and make the model for compiling other special book dictionary .