
jìnɡ zhēnɡ jià ɡé
  • Competitive Price;prize
  1. 请电告可竞争价格的报盘。

    Please cable us an offer at a competitive price .

  2. 基准价格必须是竞争价格。

    Benchmark price must be competitive price .

  3. 在主动节点上安装过滤器,过滤低竞争价格,提高了拍卖服务器的处理性能;

    A filter is built in active network node for filtering low competitive prices to improve the performance of the auction server .

  4. 我们的公司建立了以供应的最佳的合格品的目标在竞争价格和证明最佳的服务对国际顾客。

    Our company was established with the goal of supplying best quality products at competitive prices and proving best service to international customers .

  5. 3各签署方同意,只能根据竞争价格、质量和交货条件购买本协定所涵盖产品。

    4.3 Signatories agree that the purchase of products covered by this Agreement should be made only on a competitive price , quality and delivery basis .

  6. 比如说,如果作为劳动力购买方的雇主拥有买方垄断权力并且能够设定薪资,那么他们就能够将付给工人的报酬维持在低于竞争价格的水平之下。

    If employers have monopsony power as buyers of labour and are able to set wages , for instance , they can keep pay below its competitive rate .

  7. 实证研究表明,异地客户并未选择比本地客户更高的审计价格,而是选择了一种逆理性的更低的忽略审计风险的竞争价格。

    Empirical analysis results show that regional customers do not select a higher price than local customers do , they choose " unreasonable " lower and more competitive price that seems neglect the audit risk .

  8. 在一定的市场条件下,发电商完全有可能利用市场力通过物理持留和经济持留(即持留发电能力和报过高的电价),导致电价高于正常竞争价格,甚至电价出现飞升。

    Under certain market condition , generator probably utilizes market power by physics or economic withholding , result in the electricity price to be higher than the normal competitive price , even the electricity price spikes occurred .

  9. 为形成相对均衡的电信竞争价格,增强自主创新能力,提升电信企业的竞争能力,促进行业协调健康发展,2008年5月24日,我国六大电信运营商整合为三家。

    In order to balance telecom products prices , enhance independent innovation capability , promote the competitiveness of telecommunication enterprises , and coordinate industry development healthy , the six major Chinese telecom carriers integrated into three groups on May 24 , 2008 .

  10. 实物配置的不足表现在它企图取代经济结构中的基础性的市场配置,却又不具备市场配置的竞争价格功能,从而影响了经济的合理发展;

    The shortcomings of the material allocation are manifested in its attempts to replace the fundamental market allocation in the economic structure , but lacking the competition function of price adjustment in the market allocation , thus hampering the rational economic development .

  11. 规定导致了激烈的竞争和价格下跌。

    Deregulation of US airlines results in fierce competition and price-cut .

  12. 撤销对美国航班的管制规定导致了激烈的竞争和价格下跌。

    Deregulation of us airlines result in fierce competition and price-cut .

  13. 译句:请电邮有竞争性价格的报价给我们?

    Please e-mail us an offer at competitive price ?

  14. 网络外部性存在下的产品差异化竞争与价格歧视策略

    Network Externalities , Production Differentiation Competition and Price Discrimination

  15. 如果经济纯粹竞争,价格机制将会自由地操作。

    If the economy is purely competitive , the price mechanism will operate freely .

  16. 市场经济包括竞争的价格体系和相应的惯例、习俗和制度。

    Market economy consists of competitive price system and relative convention , custom and institutions .

  17. 这些信息包括市场发展,竞争对手价格,削价等。

    This includes information regarding the market development , competitor 's prices , price cutting etc.

  18. 分析了影响版本升级价格、竞争性价格和全价的相关因素。

    The relevant factors are analyzed which affect version upgrade price , competitive price and full price ;

  19. 商品价值是在交换中通过竞争和价格波动自发地形成的。

    First , the value of commodity forms in the competition of commodity interexchange and price fluctuation .

  20. 有时,公共集团与私营市场并存,通过竞争对价格施加影响。

    In some cases the public estates coexist with private markets and influence their price through competition .

  21. 兼并和伯特兰德竞争的价格效应分析

    Mergers and Bertrand Competition

  22. 垄断扭曲了市场竞争与价格的关系,造成了资源的极大浪费,而行政垄断是我国主要的垄断形式。

    Monopoly distorts the relation of impartial competition and market price , which has caused heavy resource waste .

  23. 论水运工程概算与中标价之差航空公司竞争之价格篇&从国航在广州遭遇封杀说起

    On the Difference Between Budget Price and Bid Price of Port & Waterway Engineering Price Competition of Airlines

  24. 我们的目标是给与顾客极具竞争的价格,提供优质的产品,良好的服务,以及准时交货。

    Our mission is to provide the high quality products and services at competitive price with on time delivery .

  25. 由于技术创新能力普遍偏低,中国摩托车企业主要在低端市场进行无序竞争,价格战成为主要的竞争手段。

    Being backward in technological innovation , Chinese motorcycle enterprises mostly compete disorderly in low-end market by means of price war .

  26. 本文基于经济现实对企业间的数量竞争和价格竞争进行了系统的研究,揭示了企业之间是如何进行数量竞争和价格竞争的,并讨论了影响竞争的因素。

    This thesis discloses how the business to compete in quantity and price , and discusses the factor that affects competition .

  27. 如果你能出个真正的具有竞争性价格,我们会大量订货。

    If you could come up with a really competitive price , we might be able to place a large order .

  28. 他们被认为能在工业中提供有竞争性价格的高品质产品并且能响应顾客的需要。

    They are viewed in the industry as supplying very high-quality products at competitive prices and being responsive to customers'product needs .

  29. 国产彩电在品牌市场份额竞争的价格大战中展开库存调整、价格调整、生产调整、技术调整。

    Domestic enterprises carry out adjustment in deposit , price , production and technology to get more marketable portion in price campaign .

  30. 但是由于市场行情仍在上升,生产商的竞争和价格会承压。

    But as the market continues to grow , so will the level of competition and prices will come under greater pressure .