
  • 网络Shen
  1. 试论沈从文诗论的艺术个性与艺术建构

    On the Artistic Personality and Construction in Shen Cong-wen 's Poetics

  2. 论水的意象在沈从文小说中的意义

    Dissertation on Water Image Featured in Novels of Shen Cong Wen

  3. 沈从文对自然文化的选择&还乡文学

    The Nostalgic Literature and SHEN Cong-wen 's Choice to Natural Culture

  4. 自卑与超越&沈从文创作心理浅探

    Inferiority and Overcome & On Shen Cong-wen 's Psychology of Writing

  5. 沈从文湘西小说生命世界初探

    The Life World of SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels on Western Hunan

  6. 沈从文、福克纳小说的神话&原型阐释

    The Archetypal Interpretation of Shen Cong-wen and William Faulkners ' Novels

  7. 波德代羊射精量在11月份最高,5月份最低。两品种射精量季节变化不同。守常中的变异&解读沈从文的《边城》与《长河》

    The seasonal variation of the two breeds was different .

  8. 这是沈从文对现代汉语文学的独特贡献。

    This is his special contribution to modern Chinese literature .

  9. 解读沈从文作品的人性内涵

    To Explain the Human Nature in SHEN Cong-wen 's Works

  10. 论沈从文的孤独之生成

    On the Formation of Shen Cong-wen 's Sense of Solitude

  11. 探析沈从文小说的艺术特征

    An Analysis of Artistic Features of Shen Cong-wen 's Novels

  12. 沈从文:理想的漂泊、追寻与失落

    SHEN Cong-wen : wander , search and lose about ideal

  13. 可是,问题在于张兆和对沈从文毫无感觉。

    But the problem is that Zhang showed no affection to Shen .

  14. 道德困境中的同情&沈从文小说的情调

    Sympathy in the Moral Plight ── The novel style of Shen Cong-wen

  15. 第一节论述沈从文文学批评文体的具体形态。

    The first section of Shen criticized the stylistic form .

  16. 论沈从文小说创作的印象主义色彩

    On the Impressionism in the Novel Writing of Shen Cong-wen

  17. 需要明确的是,这两种风格在沈从文各创作时期并不是占同等地位。

    And the two styles are not equal in his composing period .

  18. 众里寻她千百度&略谈沈从文小说创作的文学个性

    On the Literary Personality in Shen Cong-wen 's Novel Writing

  19. 沈从文写作思想也有其局限。

    But Shen 's thoughts on writing have their limitations .

  20. 从文学观看,沈从文坚持的是文学的审美特性和独立品格;

    His view of literature was holding the aesthetical characteristic of literature .

  21. 沈从文湘西系列小说艺术特色形成的原因

    Causes of Shen Cong-wen 's Xiangxi Series of Novels 's Artistic Features

  22. 谈沈从文“乡下人”观念

    On Shen cong-wen 's conception of " country folk "

  23. 信越写越多,沈从文也越发的沉不住气。

    The more letters Shen wrote , the less patience he had .

  24. 沈从文:存在的危机与生命的超越

    Shen Congwen : Crisis of Existence and Transcendence of Life

  25. 沈从文对水的钟情有特定的文化和心理根源;

    His fascination with water came from the particular culture and psychology .

  26. 作为东西方的两大文学巨匠,托马斯·哈代和沈从文都是著名的乡土作家。

    Thomas Hardy and Shen Congwen are remarkable writers for their regional novels .

  27. 沈从文与卢梭在反思之后都作出了批判。

    Both Shen and Rousseau made criticism after reflection .

  28. 论沈从文的文学批评

    On SHEN Cong - wen ′ s Literary Criticism

  29. 酒神:沈从文小说的民俗审美情绪

    On the Folktale Aesthetic Emotion of Shen 's Novels

  30. 沈从文与中国传统画关系密切,传统画影响到他的文学创作。

    The relationship between Shen Cong wen and traditional Chinese painting is close .