
  • 网络shenyang agricultural university;Shenyang Agricultural Uinversity;syau.edu.cn
  1. 沈阳农业大学配电网优化方案

    The Optimum Design of Power Distribution Network in Shenyang Agricultural University

  2. 沈阳农业大学本科生英语学习策略调查分析

    Analysis of Learning Strategies of Undergraduates of Shenyang Agricultural University

  3. 沈阳农业大学园林绿化专业办学情况回顾

    Retrospect of the Speciality of Landscape Architecture in Shenyang Agriculture University

  4. 前进中的沈阳农业大学农业工程学院

    The Developing Agricultural Engineering College of Shenyang Agricultural University

  5. 《沈阳农业大学学报》2006年(第37卷)第1~6期总目录

    Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University Vol.37 2006 TOTAL CONTENTS

  6. 模式标本存于沈阳农业大学。,模式标本存于黑龙江省卫生防疫站。

    The type specimen is deposited in the Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang Province .

  7. 大学校园旅游开发研究&以沈阳农业大学为例

    On Campus Tourism Development of Colleges and Universities & With Shenyang Agricultural University as Case

  8. 沈阳农业大学改革开放30年回顾与展望

    Retrospection and Prospects : 30 Years of Reform and Opening to the Outside of Shenyang Agricultural University

  9. 辽宁省农业资源与环境重点实验室,沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院,辽宁沈阳;

    Liaoning Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment , College of Land and Environment , Shenyang , Liaoning ;

  10. 辽宁省树木园是在沈阳农业大学植物园的基础上规划设计的。

    The Arboretum of Liaoning Province is programmed and designed on the basis of former Shenyang Agricultural University Botanic Garden .

  11. RE是沈阳农业大学最新研制出的植物生长调节剂与酶活性物质复合剂,它以高效成膜剂携带方式包衣玉米种子,玉米种子干后播种。

    RE , a composite of plant growth regulators and trace elements , was used to coat the maize seeds after carried by high polymers .

  12. 农业院校处级领导干部队伍建设调查与分析&以沈阳农业大学为例

    A Survey-based Analysis of the College / Department-chief-level Leading Cadre 's Ranks Building of Agricultural Colleges and Universities & Shenyang Agricultural University Employed as Case

  13. 为此,沈阳农业大学职业技术学院园艺专业坚持以就业为导向,探索出2+1的人才培养模式。

    Therefore , Vocational and Technical College of Shenyang Agriculture University sticks to employment-oriented , and explores the talents ' training mode of Two plus One .

  14. 沈阳农业大学坚持“以部为主,一校多制”的办学模式,在为地方经济建设和发展服务中不断增强学校的生机和活力。

    Shenyang Agricultural University persists in the university pattern of " taking the agriculture ministry is the dominant factor , making t17e multiple system in a university " .

  15. 在高中,我是一个非常努力的好学生,经过三年的努力,在2005年考入了沈阳农业大学,这是我梦寐以求的。

    In high school , I was a very good student effort , after three years of effort , in2005 admitted to the Shenyang Agricultural University , this is my dream of .

  16. 回顾沈阳农业大学绿化专业办学的一些情况,以便读者更多的了解我国园林教育事业的历程,从而推动园林绿化教育的发展。

    The paper reviews the circumstances of the speciality of Landscape Architecture in Shenyang Agriculture University , so to introduce to the readers the history of Landscape Architecture education in China , and promote its development .

  17. 论述了排队论中M/M/s等待制模型确定教务员数量的分析步骤和方法原理,结合沈阳农业大学高等职业技术学院实际情况,确定了合理的教务员数量。

    The methods and procedure of M / M / s Queuing Model were discussed . The reasonable number of educational administration clerk was determined according to the conditions of Professional Technology College of Shenyang Agricultural University .