
shēn zhèn dà xué
  • Shenzhen University
  1. 然然而上周,深圳大学的毕业生们却碰见了一个新鲜的(fresh)(促销活动)。

    But last week , at Shenzhen University , grads encountered a new one .

  2. 深圳大学开放学院MIS局部网

    The Local Area Network of MIS for the Open Institute of Shenzhen University

  3. 深圳大学MIS的体系结构

    The Architecture of the MIS at Shenzhen University

  4. 深圳大学信息工程学院EDA技术中心

    The EDA Technology Center of Shenzhen University

  5. 一个大二的学生可以通过BEC高级而且取得如此骄人的成绩,这在深圳大学是非常少见的。

    It is very rare for a sophomore to pass the BEC Higher and get such a good performance .

  6. 深圳大学副研究员陈飞表示,Python课程的开设主要是为了培养孩子对编程语言的兴趣。

    The Python class is mainly opened to cultivate children 's interest in the programming language , said Chen Fei , an associate researcher at Shenzhen University .

  7. 建立深圳大学SIFE团队,得到了深圳大学校团委以及法学院法研会的大力支持和帮助。

    During the foundation , SIFE SZU received the help from Youth League Committee of Shenzhen University and law seminar of Shenzhen University .

  8. 最后,我们再次衷心感谢陈文静女士及两位嘉宾为我们深圳大学SIFE团队所做的一切。

    Finally , we are very grateful to Mrs Chen and two guests and what they have done for our SIFE Shenzhen University team .

  9. 陈教授认为SIFE深圳大学团队应该把奥林匹克精神融入项目运行的过程中,努力做到更快,更高,更强!

    Dr Chen considered SIFE Shenzhen University team should mirror the Olympic Spirit when running the project , make great effort to get ahead .

  10. SIFE深圳大学团队第一轮招新宣讲会圆满拉下帷幕,但这只是个开始!

    The first teach of the session of2011-2012 for SIFE of Shenzhen University came to an end successfully , but it was just a beginning !

  11. 颁奖结束后,赛扶深圳大学团队队长谭蓝蔚给十位参赛者颁发了参加EOP项目的实践证书。

    After the presentation , Tam Lan Wei , the presenter of SIFE Shenzhen University , awarded certificates to10 participants for their practice in EOP project .

  12. 4月14日,SIFE深圳大学团队的队员拜访了深圳大学体育部主人陈小蓉教授,就博道知行项目展开了讨论。

    April14th , 2010 , members of SIFE Shenzhen University team visited Dr Chen , director of ministry of Sports , and have a discussion about the Consulting Advisory .

  13. SIFE深圳大学团队创立于2004年,通过自身在社会实践中的努力及优异表现,赢得了社会的认同,为学校树立了良好的口碑。

    Shenzhen university SIFE team was founded in2004 , through own efforts in social practice and excellent performance , they win the social acceptance for school of establishing a good reputation .

  14. 本文探讨了深圳大学管理信息系统(SZU-MIS)的开发与管理中的有关技术问题和组织问题,介绍了SZU-MIS的结构和主要功能,阐述了建立与管理计算机管理信息系统的一些技术、原则和策略。

    Techniques and organization in developing and managing the Shenzhen Univer - sity 's Management Information System ( SZU-MIS ) are discussed . , Main techniques , gene - ral rules , strategy consideration as well as the framework and functions of the system are introduced .

  15. 深圳大学中子源核反应堆控制系统

    Control System of Miniature Neutron Source Nuclear Reactor in Shenzhen University

  16. 深圳大学城预弯钢&混凝土组合连续梁桥施工技术

    Construction Technology for Preflexed Composite Continuous Bridge of Shenzhen University City

  17. 深圳大学学科综合性发展统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Comprehensiveness in Shenzhen University ′ s Disciplines

  18. 深圳大学艺术与设计学院教师作品选

    Work Selection by Teachers of Art Design College of Shenzhen University

  19. 深圳大学中心广场环境和使用行为调查

    Survey of Environment and Behavior on Central Plaza of Shenzhen University

  20. 深圳大学图书馆数字化资源建设的探索

    The Establishment and Development of Digital Resources in SZU Library

  21. 现任教于深圳大学艺术学院。

    Currently teaching at the Art Institute , Shenzhen University .

  22. 一个有关教育的乌托邦&记深圳大学城北大园区设计

    An Educational Eutopia-Design of Beijing University Campus of Shenzhen University

  23. 高校企业改制与建立现代企业制度的新尝试&兼论深圳大学校办企业改制的基本构想

    New Explorations in Reforming University-Run Enterprises and Establishing a Modern Enterprise System

  24. 这位19岁的姑娘就读于深圳大学高尔夫管理专业。

    The 19-year-old is studying golf management at Shenzhen University .

  25. 深圳大学图书馆数字化建设与信息化服务的探索

    An Approach to Digital Library Construction and Information Services at Shenzhen University

  26. 宽扁梁转换结构在深圳大学科技楼中的应用

    Application of Wide-flat Beam Transfer Structure in Technology Building of Shenzhen University

  27. 深圳大学重点实验室建设与发展探索

    Exploration on Construction and Development of Key Research Laboratories of Shenzhen University

  28. 深圳大学微型中子源核反应堆安全性能分析

    The analysis of safety for the miniature neutron nuclear reactor of Shenzhen University

  29. 我在深圳大学学的。

    John : I learned it at Shenzhen University .

  30. 深圳大学图书馆馆藏资源和自动化的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of the Library Resources and Automation in Shenzhen University Library