
  1. 提供各类型海关监管车辆转关运输及深加工结转运输服务。

    Providing the services of customs transfer transportation and the transportation of deeply – processed products'carry-over by supervised trucks .

  2. 加工制造:可以开展出口加工、深加工结转、内销加工以及再制造、保税检测维修等业务;

    Processing and Manufacturing : Develop the services such as export processing , advanced processing structure , processing for domestic sales , re-manufacturing , bonded test and maintenance , etc.

  3. 出口加工区内企业也可以将产品转至保税区和出口加工区内仓储企业存储后再实现上述深加工结转。

    The enterprises in an export processing zone may transfer the processed products to the warehousing and storing enterprises in the bonded areasbonded zones and the export processing zones and then realize the above mentioned " deep processing transit " .