
shēn zhèn jīnɡ jì tè qū
  • Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
  1. 公司简介CompanyProfile长实行五金公司,座落于广东省深圳经济特区。

    Long to implement hardware company located in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone , Guangdong Province .

  2. 2000年,在研究生的最后一年,攻读MBA学位的克拉克选择深圳经济特区发展作为论文主题。

    When he was in his final year at university in2000 , Clark chose to write a thesis on the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ( SEZ ) for his Master of Business Administration degree .

  3. ,new(?)深圳经济特区的未来取向

    On New Orientations of Shenzhen SEZ for Future

  4. 在深圳经济特区的开发初期,为了制定其首个城市规划,曾向梁振英(LeungChun-ying)等香港专业服务领域的从业者征求建议。

    Early in its development , the Shenzhen special economic zone sought the advice of Leung Chun-ying and other Hong Kong professional service practitioners as it developed its first town plan .

  5. 深圳经济特区文化创新功能的生成与发展

    The Generation and Development of the Innovating Function of Shenzhen SEZ

  6. 论深圳经济特区所有制结构

    On Structure of Ownership System in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  7. 深圳经济特区是我国率先进行土地管理体制改革的地区。

    Shenzhen SEZ takes the lead in reforming China 's land administration system .

  8. 深圳经济特区是个试验,局部分布区产地试验

    The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is an experiment . limited range provenance trial

  9. 《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》的社会接受度分析

    Social Acceptance of the Regulation on Smoking Control in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  10. 外部环境对企业的影响&深圳经济特区的投资环境

    Influence of External Environment on Enterprises & The Investment Environment In Shenzhen SEZ

  11. 深圳经济特区法制建设的现状及几项建议

    Present State of and Several Proposals for Legislature Construction of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  12. 深圳经济特区的新定位与新发展

    New Orientation and New Development for Shenzhen

  13. 可持续发展路径选择:理论逻辑与实践启示&以深圳经济特区的发展为例

    The Selection of a Sustained Development Route : Its Theoretical Logic and Inspiration of Practice

  14. 深圳经济特区环境系统动态模型的研究

    Study on the Dynamic Model of the Environmental system in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  15. 深圳经济特区的快速建设代表着一个奇迹。

    The speedy construction of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone represents something of a miracle .

  16. 这次旅行之后不久,宝安外贸基地就更名为深圳经济特区。

    Shortly after our visit , Bao An Foreign Trade Base was renamed Shenzhen Special Economic Zone .

  17. 计划在三个方面对在深圳经济特区提供住房是最基本的。

    Planning was essential for the provision of housing in the Shenzhen SEZ in three major aspects .

  18. 深圳经济特区住宅基准地价空间分布特征与影响要素分析

    The analysis on spatial character and influence factor of the residential standard price in Shenzhen Special Economy Zone

  19. 深圳经济特区发挥了很好的窗口作用和辐射作用。

    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has played a very positive role as a window bridge and economic powerhouse .

  20. 深圳经济特区应尽快发行特区货币特区发展中的通货膨胀诱因

    Shenzhen SEZ Should Issue SEZ Currency as Soon as Possible Inflationary Inducements in the Development of Special Economic Zone

  21. 深圳经济特区内河道由市水务主管部门负责管理;

    The municipal water department shall be responsible for administering the river courses within the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ;

  22. 快速城市化过程与景观格局研究&以深圳经济特区为例

    Relationship Between Processes of Rapid Urbanization and Landscape Temporal and Spatial Patterns & A Case Study in Shenzhen SEZ

  23. 城市绿地群落结构完善度评价及生态管理对策:以深圳经济特区为例

    Assessment of Structural Complexity and Ecological Management Policy for Urban Green Space : A Case Study of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  24. 浦东如果像深圳经济特区那样,早几年开发就好了。

    It would have been better to develop the Pudong District a few years ago , like the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone .

  25. 在纪念深圳经济特区成立25周年之际,深圳在新的历史时期的功能定位和发展目标是什么?

    It is of great significance to clarify the new orientation and new mission of the Shenzhen SEZ on its 25th Anniversary .

  26. 嘉恒翔数码科技有限公司座落于年轻美丽、富饶开放的深圳经济特区。

    Jia Heng Xiang Digital Technology Co. , Ltd. is situated in the young , beautiful , rich and open Shenzhen Special Economic Zone .

  27. 该区将拥有国家级的重要意义,与深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区相似。

    It 's going to have a national level significance , similar to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area .

  28. 《深圳经济特区环境保护条例》作出了比国家环境法律更为严格的规定,尤以操作性强为特征。

    Environmental protection Regulation in Shen Zhen Economic Special Zone has more strict standard than national environmental protection law and particularly has better operation .

  29. 接着本文对深圳经济特区的金融支持和美国开发西部的金融支持进行了经验总结。

    Then , this paper gives an experimental conclusion on the financial support to Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the development of the western America .

  30. 深圳经济特区学校体育发展特征研究&深圳市南山区学校体育发展个案分析

    Study Upon the Characteristics of School Physical Education Development in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone & Case Analysis of the School Physical Education Development of Nanshan , Shenzhen