
  • 网络shenzhen development bank;sdb
  1. TPG在达成向中国平安保险(PingAnInsurance)出售自己所持深圳发展银行(ShenzhenDevelopmentBank)多数股份的协议后,已坐拥20亿美元的利润。

    TPG is sitting on a $ 2bn profit after striking a deal to offload its majority-stake in Shenzhen Development Bank to China 's Ping An Insurance .

  2. 通用电气在2005年10月签署了一项协议,以大约1亿美元的价格,收购深圳发展银行(shenzhendevelopmentbank)7%的股权,合每股5.25元人民币。

    Ge was caught out after it signed an agreement in October 2005 to buy a 7 per cent stake in Shenzhen Development Bank for about $ 100m , or RMB 5.25 a share .

  3. 平安保险(pinganinsurance)与深圳发展银行(shenzhendevelopmentbank,简称:深发展)股票昨日停牌,因市场预期,平安将增持深发展股份,以扩大其在中国的银行业业务。

    Shares in Ping An insurance and Shenzhen Development Bank were suspended yesterday amid expectations Ping An would increase its stake in the medium-sized lender as it sought to expand its banking operations in China .

  4. 第三部分介绍了物流金融的发展实践,主要介绍了国内外物流金融的发展模式,并以UPS的物流金融模式和深圳发展银行的物流金融业务模式为例做了重点分析。

    The third section describes the development practice of logistics finance , introduces the domestic and international logistics finance development model , and analyze logistics finance model of UPS and Shenzhen Development Bank .

  5. TPG是迄今在中国投资最成功的美国私人股本集团之一,其最近出售的深圳发展银行(ShenzhenDevelopmentBank)股份为投资者赚得逾20亿美元,回报大约为投入资金的16倍。

    TPG has been one of the most successful US private equity investors in China , making more than $ 2bn for its investors , about 16 times their money , from the recent sale of its stake in Shenzhen Development Bank .

  6. 国内最先做供应链金融的深圳发展银行看中这个N,对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供金融服务,通过中小企业介入产业链,做活整个供应链的资金流。

    The first to do supply chain finance in the domestic , Shenzhen Development Bank , chose the " N ", provide financial services to a single business or multiple businesses in industry supply chain . It makes the cash flow more liquidity through extending industry chain .

  7. 在1998年加盟TPG后,单伟建让该集团成为投资中国及亚洲的外国私人股本的先锋,并领导了一系列盈利丰厚的交易,包括收购深圳发展银行(SDB)。

    Weijian Shan established TPG as a pioneer in foreign private equity investing in China and Asia and led a string of lucrative deals after joining the firm in 1998 , including its acquisition of Shenzhen Development Bank .

  8. 深圳发展银行人力资源管理机制研究

    The Research in the Human Resource Mechanism of Shenzhen Development Bank

  9. 1全球性的大银行几乎都是上市公司。而在我国,银行上市起步较晚,1999年以前只有深圳发展银行一家上市银行。

    Globally universal banks are nearly all listed without exception .

  10. 深圳发展银行个人理财业务发展对策研究

    The Research of Shenzhen Development Bank 's Personal Financial Management Business Development

  11. 王凯涛,管理学博士,深圳发展银行上海分行。

    Wang Kaitao , Ph D. , Shanghai Branch , Shenzhan Development Bank .

  12. 深圳发展银行成本管理研究

    Study on Cost Management of Shenzhen Development Bank

  13. 深圳发展银行大集中、大前置新一代银行信息系统架构及实施策略

    The New Generation Bank Information System Structure and Application Strategy of Shenzhen Development Bank

  14. 近年来,深圳发展银行业务持续健康增长,业绩表现良好。

    In recent years , the Bank has maintained healthy growth and delivered outstanding performance .

  15. 最后,以深圳发展银行为例进行了案例分析。

    Then in final part of the essay , Shenzhen Department bank as a example is analysed .

  16. 软科学思想的杰出运用&以深圳发展银行金融业务创新管理为例

    An Outstanding Use of Soft science & Shenzhen Development Bank with the Management of Business Innovation in Finance as An Example

  17. 基于各自利益及需求的考虑,深圳发展银行首先提出了供应链金融的业务。

    Based on the consider of their interests and needs , shenzhen development bank first proposed the " supply chain finance " business .

  18. 同时,据说政府控制的中国发展银行正在协商收购深圳发展银行的问题。深圳发展银行是少数外国人经营的金融机构。

    Meanwhile , the state-controlled China Development Bank is said to be negotiating a takeover of Shenzhen Development Bank , one of the few financial institutions controlled by foreigners .

  19. 进而引入正题,结合深圳发展银行广州分行为供应链上下游提供金融服务的实际案例,具体研究为集团企业提供供应链融资服务方案的设计方式。

    Meanwhile , our bank provided financial services to the actual cases , specific studies at the core businesses to finance services in the supply chain designs for the upper and down customers .

  20. 第四章主要论述了深圳发展银行信贷营销的战略,主要包括市场细分、目标市场的选择与市场定位。

    Chapter four focuses on the strategies of the credit marketing of the Shenzhen Development Bank Co. Ltd. , mainly include the market segmentations , the choices of the target markets and the market positioning .

  21. 同时,以对深圳发展银行2002年年报的审阅为例,讲解了这些方法和技巧在实践中的运用。

    The at the same time , in order to adjust checking and approving of Shenzhen development bank annual in 2002 , the application that these means and techniques are living in the practice was interpreted to the instance .

  22. 中国银行、工商银行、建设银行、农业银行、深圳发展银行六家银行19日表示,将于20日起停止银行卡跨行查询收费。

    Six banks , including Bank of china , industrial and Commercial Bank of china , China Construction bank , Agricultural Bank of China and Shenzhen Development bank , declared on april19th that they would stop collecting inter-bank inquiry fee since april20th .

  23. 第四部分运用第三部分介绍的财务分析指标体系,对深圳发展银行股份有限公司在深圳证券交易所公布的2000年至2002年年报进行了计算分析,并得出了一个简要的分析结论。

    The fourth part is a case study using the analysis system built up in part three to analyze the financial status of the Shenzhen Development Bank using based on its annual report in 2000 , 2001 and 2002 from Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

  24. 包括交通银行、中信实业银行、中国光大银行、华夏银行、中国民生银行、广东发展银行、深圳发展银行、招商银行、兴业银行、上海浦东发展银行及囱丰银行。

    Includes Bank of communications , CITIC Industrial bank , China Everbright bank , Hua Xia bank , Minsheng bank , Guangdong Development bank , Shenzhen Development bank , China Merchants bank , industrial bank , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and evergrowing bank .

  25. 本文以企业并购为视角,选取中国平安并购深圳发展银行为素材,重点介绍了并购关联各方的并购动因,详细阐述了并购过程,并对并购整合效果等方面进行了详细分析。

    In this paper from the perspective of M A , we select Ping An merge with Shenzhen Development Bank as the material , mainly introduce the motivation of M A related parties , describes the process and effects of M A in detail .