
  • 网络in-depth report;In-Depth Reporting;in depth
  1. 试论电视深度报道的舆论监督作用&对中央电视台主要深度报道栏目的透视

    Watchdog function of TV in-depth report & on major in-depth report of CCTV

  2. 追求整合性是报纸整合式深度报道核心的叙事特征。

    Pursuing integration is the key characteristic of integrative In-depth Report on the newspaper .

  3. 深度报道的革命&试析Internet对深度报道的影响

    The Revolution of Depth Report An Impact From Internet

  4. 本文提出了传统深度报道发展的瓶颈问题,并就Internet的发展对深度报道之文本形态、传播内容与方式诸方面的影响进行分析,指出了深度报道的革命性前景。

    The two author raise bottleneck for development of depth report and analyses the Internet 's impacts on depth report , such as format , content and style .

  5. 论深度报道中背景材料的叙述分寸

    On the Proper Narrating Limits of Background Materials in Deep Reporting

  6. 电视深度报道的叙事学研究

    The Research of Television In-depth Reporting in the View of Narratology

  7. 当前深度报道中社会公正主题研究

    Study on Theme of Social Justice in the Current Deep Report

  8. 《华尔街日报》获得了普利策深度报道奖。

    The Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting .

  9. 深度报道的轨迹回望与问题反思&以新闻专业主义为视角

    Retrospect and Reflection on In-depth Reporting : A professionalism perspective

  10. 深度报道源流探析

    Source and Course Analysis of the In - depth Reporting

  11. 深度报道是新闻宣传的支柱工程。

    Deep report is the supporting project for news propagation .

  12. 深度报道的写作选择与审美要求

    On the Writing Approach and the Aesthetic Requirement of the Profundity Report

  13. 试论国内品牌报纸的深度报道策划

    Tentative Study of Domestic Branded Newspapers ' In-Depth-Reporting Scheme

  14. 深度报道主题定位的一般思维方法

    The General Thinking Method for Theme-fixing of Deep Report

  15. 深度报道:新闻与评论的联姻

    Deep Report : the Connection of News and Comment

  16. 1980年代以后,特别是1987年以后,深度报道开始兴盛。

    After 1980 's , especially after 1987 , In-depth Reports began prosperous .

  17. 论舆论监督电视节目深度报道的规律

    The Rule of Depth Report in TV Programs about Supervision of Public Opinion

  18. 论深度报道的叙事艺术

    Narrative Art of the Depth Reports in Contemporary News

  19. 论新闻信息流量原理在深度报道中的应用

    On Application of the Theory of Amount of News Information to Profound Reporting

  20. 深度报道是如何关注社会公正问题的?

    How does deep report concerns social justice ?

  21. 新世纪深度报道的动因及其传播策略探析

    On the Causes and the Communication Strategies of In-depth Reporting in the New Century

  22. 试析电视新闻的深度报道

    The Application of In-depth Reporting in TV News

  23. 人文关怀的内涵与多元化的视野&论改革开放以来报纸深度报道的两大特点及趋势

    Connotation of Humane Care and Vision of Pluralism

  24. 高校校报深度报道探析

    On the Depth of Report of College Newspapers

  25. 并建构深度报道的训练体系的框架。

    Tries to build the training system 's frame of profound report . construction .

  26. 《北京青年报》的核心产品在于报纸新闻的深度报道;

    The core production of Beijing youth is the deep report of the news .

  27. 中国深度报道起源论

    On the Origin of Chinese In-depth Reports

  28. 论中国报刊深度报道的演变

    Evolvement of In-depth Report in Chinese Press

  29. 深度报道的叙事研究

    The Narration of In - depth Reports

  30. 新闻背景与电视深度报道

    News Background and Report of Television Depth