
tú piàn xīn wén
  • tabloid
  1. 图片新闻在卫生媒体中发挥效用的因素

    Factors Influencing the Effects of Picture News in Health Media

  2. 图片新闻的语言分析球墨铸铁金相图片分析系统

    Image Analysis System for Nodular Cast Iron PICTURE SHOW

  3. 但同时也存在图片新闻性不高、评论数量少等缺点。

    But simultaneously It also has some deficiency of the timeliness pictures and few comments .

  4. 图片新闻的语言分析

    A Linguistic Analysis of Journalistic Photographs

  5. 他们大都喜欢有创意的工作,像理发师、绘图师和图片新闻工作者。

    These folks enjoy creative work , whether it 's hairdressing , graphic design or photo journalism .

  6. 图片新闻以其快速、直观的特点成为当今新闻行业极具竞争力的新闻产品之一。

    Picture News is becoming one of the most competitive news media for its fast and visual feature .

  7. 图片新闻作为一种新闻文体,可以划分为三种类型:叙事型图片新闻、叙事隐喻型图片新闻和隐喻型图片新闻。

    Journalistic photo on newspaper has three types : narrative photo , narrative and metaphorical photo and metaphorical photo .

  8. 真实是新闻的生命,而图片新闻以它摄影的纪实特性能够最大限度地反映新闻的真实性。

    Reality is the life of news , and the photo news can represent the news truth to the full by its shooting record characteristic .

  9. 但由于种种原因,还不可避免地存在一些不尽如人意之处,如新闻视角新颖性不足,言论、深度报道、图片新闻在数量上的缺失等。

    However , as the media coverage of traditional folk is still in the initial stage , so it is inevitable that there are many drawbacks , such as novelty or lack of news perspectives , reviews , in-depth reports , pictures reported in number of missing .

  10. “像每一个人一样,对于我们从索马里乃至整个非洲之角看到的图片和新闻,我们都非常难过。”联合国防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)秘书处负责人MansourN'Diaye说。

    Regrets " Like everyone , we are very much moved by the image and news that we are seeing from not only Somalia , but also the whole Horn of Africa , " said Mansour N'Diaye , chief of cabinet at the Secretariat of the UNCCD - the United Nations Convention to Combat .

  11. 在图画的新闻-奉献了给图片的新闻故事。

    News in Pictures - Dedicated to pictorial news stories .

  12. 星站为你提供免费明星图片及新闻资讯,每日更新。

    Read top celebrity news , gossip and photos for free ! Updates Daily .

  13. 直击中国的图片及新闻若是由我们自己提供,则所有内容将依法归我们所拥有。

    For contents on CHINA WITNESS which provides pictures and information originally from our staff , we has all rights reserved .

  14. 新闻图片是新闻的一个重要内容,同时又在新闻学研究中占据独特的地位。

    The news photograph is an important content of the news report and occupies a unique position in the studies of Journalism .

  15. 新闻图片和新闻在我们的物理和精神空间里推进得越来越深,它们的所能引起的震撼效应也越来越弱。

    Eg : The sensational effect of news photographs and news is gradually on the wane as they increasingly occupy our physical and mental space .

  16. 发挥你的想象力,在论坛上每日更新笑话、图片、新闻、歌曲或者故事等等你喜欢的东西。

    We can use our wild imagination and post more topics like jokes , pictures , news , songs or stories , anything you like .

  17. 几分钟之内和前展示已经结束,有人看到了图片的新闻,并呼吁在一个名称和地址的一个潜在嫌疑人。

    Within minutes and before the show had ended , someone saw the picture on the newscast and called in a name and address of a potential suspect .

  18. 通过我们的手机、平板电脑和电视屏幕上,我们都可以看到各种相关图片和新闻报道将这场危机事实暴露在我们面前。

    On our phones , laptops and our TV screens , we can see the images and read the reports that lay bare the truth of this crisis .

  19. 其中在新闻管理模块,结合正则表达式的文本匹配技术,实现了图片在新闻内容中的快速提取方法。

    In news management , through regular expressions ' text matching technology , the author developed a function to extract the picture in news content in a rapid method .

  20. 随着读图时代的来临,图片在新闻报道中越来越居于重要地位,好图片的标准也趋于多样化。

    With the advent of the era of pictures , pictures in the news are taking a more and more important position , and the standards of good pictures are different .

  21. 迪安·菲茨莫里斯这一张令人震惊的图片被旧金山新闻的记者梅瑞狄斯写入了一篇分为五部分的报道中。

    Deanne Fitzmaurice 's shocking photographs ran in the San Francisco Chronicle in a five-part series written by Meredith May .

  22. 盲目的,漠然的图片已经成为新闻摄影中的新风尚,以扭曲的图片形式来提供基础的风格指导方向。目的就是为了震撼读者。

    Blind and indifferent documentation has become the new fashion in journalistic photography , with distorted pictorial forms providing basic stylistic guidelines .

  23. 从新闻图片与文字新闻之间的关系看,也有两种作用,第一种是图文相关的配合作用,包括说明作用、证明作用、感染作用,补充作用与装点作用等等。

    According to the relationship of news photographs and news words , it has two functions too . The first is the function of supplement including exposition , verification , communication and modification .

  24. 本文从新闻的定义出发推导出新闻图片的定义,新闻图片是及时报道新近发生的事实的图片。

    The thesis deduces the definition of news photograPh from that of news .

  25. 如果搜索一个地名,则会出现图片,地图,新闻,故事以及维基上的相关信息。

    A search related to a place will lead to pictures , a map , news stories , and Wikipedia .

  26. 通过对报道数量、版面、新闻图片、标题、新闻选题、新闻来源、新闻引语和新闻文体的定量比较,发现中美两国主流媒体都十分重视就业问题,同时也在国际报道方面表现出了一些失衡。

    By comparing the amounts , edition pages , pictures , titles and resources etc. in quantity , we found that the mainstream media in China and the USA have both paid great attentions to work and unemployment problems , whereas made some unbalanced reports in international news .

  27. 摄影新闻(工作),摄影图片报道主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志他们大都喜欢有创意的工作,像理发师、绘图师和图片新闻工作者。

    Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy . These folks enjoy creative work , whether it 's hairdressing , graphic design or photo journalism .

  28. 这里是图片的巡逻人员在XP中说到:它可以提取物数以千计的图片新闻组邮件,每天没有太多的努力,您的意见。

    And here is where Picture Patrol Officer XP comes in : it can extract thousands of pictures from newsgroup messages every day , without much effort from you .