
  1. 巴勒斯坦问题新闻活动

    Information Activities on the Question of Palestine

  2. 论问题新闻的传播功能

    The Disseminative Function of Problem News

  3. 发展问题新闻记者名录

    Directory of Development Journalists

  4. 麦克艾沃在特朗普的竞选网站上发表了一则不同寻常的声明,自称是事件的始作俑者。几个小时前,特朗普团队的首席策略师保罗·马纳福特(PaulManafort)还称这个问题是新闻媒体炮制出来的。

    Ms. McIver identified herself in an unusual statement posted on the Trump campaign 's website , hours after the chief strategist , Paul Manafort , said the issue was manufactured by the news media .

  5. 这个问题在新闻界和警方之间引发了争议。

    The issue provoked conflicts between the press and the police .

  6. 问题1.新闻的内容是什么?

    Question 1 . What is the news report mainly about ?

  7. 问题7.新闻的主要内容是?

    Question 7.What is the main idea of the news ?

  8. 伊朗核问题英语新闻报道的态度分析

    An Analysis of Attitudes in Reports of Iran Nuclear Issue

  9. 但是我从来没有要写腐败问题的新闻。

    But I was never working on a corruption story .

  10. 问题1.新闻中提到多少个旅游景点?

    Question 1.How many tourist attractions have been mentioned in the news ?

  11. 问题4新闻中提到了几种化石燃料?

    Question 4.How many fossil fuels have been mentioned in this news ?

  12. 问题4:新闻报道对花卉养蜂场有何看法?

    Question 4.What does the news report say about Flowertown Bee Farm ?

  13. 问题5新闻的主题是什么?

    Question 5.What is the main idea of the news ?

  14. 提供有关中国环境问题的新闻,链接和信息资源。

    Provides news , links and other resources relating to Chinese environmental issues .

  15. 问题7新闻的主要讨论内容是什么?

    Question 7.What does the news mainly talk about ?

  16. 巴勒斯坦问题特别新闻方案

    Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine

  17. 首先,讨论了两个基本的问题:新闻视频挖掘技术挖掘的目的以及新闻视频挖掘的方法。

    Firstly , we raise two problems : mine what and how to mine ?

  18. 新闻受众对新闻语言理解的难易问题就是新闻语言的易读性问题。

    How well can news acceptors understand the news language is its problem of " readability " .

  19. 选题问题是新闻评论写作首先要解决的问题,通过抓问题进行新闻评论选题是一种行之有效的方法。

    Topic Selection is essential to the reviews of journalism . Problem-seeking is an effective way to it .

  20. 这个问题在新闻界普遍存在。专业作家潜意识里认为他们知道的东西别人也知道。

    The problem is common throughout journalism , where specialist writers tend to assume that others share their knowledge .

  21. 如果没有这种保护,消息来源可能不敢就事关公共利益的问题协助新闻界为公众提供信息。

    Without such protection , sources may be deterred from assisting the press in informing the public on matters of public interest .

  22. 第四部分是本文的主体部分,详细分析了六方会谈前后关于朝核问题的新闻框架和框架演变。

    The forth chapter is the body of the paper , illustrating the news frame of the Six-Party Talk and changes of the frame .

  23. 这些学校堪称我们公立教育系统王冠上的明珠,白思豪在一个关于刑事司法问题的新闻发布会上这样说道。

    These schools are the jewels in the crown for our public school system , Mr. de Blasio said at a news conference addressing criminal justice issues .

  24. 我国高校新闻教育在近年的高速发展中形成了巨大的规模,也暴露出一些不容忽视的问题,新闻教育改革势在必行。

    While Chinese journalistic education in universities developed rapidly in recent years , lots of problems were uncovered , Chinese journalistic education reform in universities became imperative .

  25. 今天,国务院新闻办公室举办关于能源问题的新闻发布会,这是一个为国内外关注的话题。

    The State Council Information Office is here today to hold this press conference on the issue of energy , which is a common concern at home and abroad .

  26. 更多关于中国地方债务问题的新闻,国家最高经济计划部门,国家发改委称,这种情况正处于控制之中。

    More on China 's local debt issues , and the country 's top economic planning agency , the National Development and Reform Commission , says the situation is under control .

  27. 诸位是否曾注意到,在营养不良问题的新闻报道中,儿童们眼睛凹陷,腹部肿胀,而看护者往往是肥胖的成年人?

    Have you ever watched a news report on malnutrition and noticed that the babies and children , with their vacant eyes and swollen bellies , are often attended by overweight adults ?

  28. 本研究从新华网和纽约时报中各选取了五十篇有关中美贸易问题的新闻报道,分别作为中文语料和英文语料进行分析。

    In this study , 50 pieces of news concerning the Sino-US trade issues were selected from Xinhua Net as the Chinese data source and 50 pieces from the New York Times as the English data source .

  29. 近年来,关于媒体负面问题的新闻事件源源不断,新闻从业人员的职业素养和媒介公信力不断的受到拷问,传者的素养问题也越来越引起人们的注意和重视。

    In recent years , the negative media on the issue of the news flow , the professionalism of journalists and media credibility under constant torture , the mass literacy problems are more and more attention and importance .

  30. 新闻职业道德问题涉及新闻传媒的公信力和新闻工作者的社会形象,职业道德问题因此屡屡受到社会关注,也引起了社会更广范围、更深入的探讨。

    The professional ethics of journalism is related to the credibility of news media and the social image of journalists . Thus it has attracted the attention from the world and aroused extensive and in-depth discussion in the society .