
  1. 报纸是中国最早的新闻传播媒介。

    The newspaper was the pioneer media of the news release in China .

  2. 突如其来的非典型肺炎事件给中国新闻传播媒介带来严峻考验。

    News media in China faced great challenges of the abrupt outbreak of SARS .

  3. 此外,大众传播研究组让政府清楚知悉新闻传播媒介所表达的民意。

    The Media Research Sub-division keeps the government fully informed of public opinion as expressed in the information media .

  4. 作为党和政府喉舌的我国新闻传播媒介,是一项与人密切相关的社会事业。

    As the Party and government mouthpiece , the media in our country , It is a social cause closely related to " people " .

  5. 事实上,我还不知道新闻传播媒介中有哪一种像报纸那样在过去二十年内变化如此之小。

    I do not know , in fact , of any medium that has changed as little in the last twenty years as the daily press .

  6. 这几年,中国各种新闻传播媒介更加重视联系群众、面向实际生活,发挥舆论监督作用。

    China 's media have over the years maintained close ties with the people and are geared to practical life , bringing their supervisory function into play .

  7. 人民通过新闻传播媒介自由地发表意见,提出批评建议,讨论国家和社会的各种问题。

    Through the media , the people freely express their opinions , put forward criticisms and suggestions , and discuss all kinds of questions related to the state and society .

  8. 第七十二条禁止国家工作人员、新闻传播媒介从业人员和有关人员编造并传播虚假信息,严重影响证券交易。

    Article 72 . State functionaries , journalists , mass communications workers , and other relevant personnel are not allowed to disseminate falsified information that will seriously affect securities trading .

  9. 新闻报道作为大众传播媒介虽然力求客观公正,但最终还是为其所代表的利益集团服务的,因此无法摆脱其意识形态的影响。

    News reports as the mass media strive for fairness and objectivity but eventually provide service for their interests group , that is , they can not get rid of ideologies in the process of making news .

  10. 那么,在传统媒体时代下异常艰难的跨文化新闻传播在进入新媒介时代以后,会有什么样的改变呢?随着媒介技术的飞速发展,媒介化社会已然形成。

    So , what would happen in the frontier of cross-cultural news coverage when we have entered into the era of new media ? With the rapid development of media technology , media community is already taking shape .

  11. 新闻受众也因新闻传播媒介的不同而在信息的真、新、快、易、近等需求上表现出不同的侧重。

    Because of the difference of medium , the audiences have different requirements for news of four media .

  12. 横向研究集中在具体历史条件下,在体育新闻中的体育新闻传播者,体育新闻内容,体育新闻传播媒介等。

    Horizontal research concentrates on disseminators , the content of sports journalism , and media of sports journalism on the concrete historical condition .

  13. 笔者认为,新闻倾向性的内涵应该包括新闻事实的倾向性、新闻传播者和新闻媒介的倾向性以及受众的内在倾向性三个方面。

    In my opinion , The connotation of the tendentiousness of news consists of three aspects : namely the tendentiousness of the news facts , the tendentiousness of the media and the journalists , the tendentiousness of the audience .