
  • 网络New Products Pricing;Pricing NEW products
  1. 语感培养策略的新思考新产品定价策略的微观研究

    A Microcosmic Research to New Products Pricing Strategy NEW GAMES

  2. Digital公司新产品的定价比同类主机的一半还要低。

    Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes

  3. 宏基拒绝进一步就其新产品的定价策略发表置评。

    Acer declined to comment further on its pricing strategy for the new product .

  4. 而且我在新产品的定价和成本计算方面做过大量较高水准的工作。

    and I 've done a lot of work on pricing and costing of new lines , at quite a high level .

  5. 通过商品展示,商业周刊和其它资源发展并保持对市场的敏感度,确保对新产品和定价信息的了解。

    Develop and maintain market awareness through merchandise shows , trade periodicals , and other resources to secure new product and pricing information .

  6. 最后,基于作业成本法的成本信息,为新产品进行定价决策并为该公司成本管理提出一些建议。

    Finally , based on ABC , I carry on the pricing decision for the new product and put forward some proposals for this company .

  7. 文章在广告影响需求条件下,考虑了双寡头垄断企业竞争下的新产品动态定价问题,提出了一个竞争性动态定价策略。

    The pricing of new product in a duopoly is studied and offers a competitive dynamic pricing strategy with the effect of advertising on demand .

  8. 用科学的定价方法对新老产品进行定价来占领市场和取得利润;

    Second , occupy the market and makes the profit through scientific pricing method upon new and old fashioned products .

  9. 据此建立起一个可以同时解释产品价格、市场规模和新产品出现的定价理论。

    Thus a new price theory can be constructed in which prices , market scales and new products can be explained under one unified framework .

  10. 在产品设计阶段为设计者提供细致、准确的成本估算信息,对于开发项目的技术经济评价、产品成本的降低、产品性能与成本之间的均衡、新产品的市场定价都有重要的意义。

    In the preliminary product design stage , obtaining accurate and detailed estimated cost information plays an important role for technical and economic evaluation of construction project , equilibrium between product performance and cost , reduction of product cost and pricing for new product .

  11. 动态研究公司rim的ceo在接见bloomberg公司人员时说,公司经过市场调查,决定将最新产品黑莓平板电脑定价为500美元,这款7英寸的平板电脑将于2011年第一季度待售。

    When research in motion throw its tablet into the market , the device will cost less than 500 dollars . Rim CEO said this in an interview with Bloomberg . The 7 inch BlackBerry play book is due out in first quater of 2011 .

  12. 广告影响需求下的新产品竞争性动态定价策略

    Competitive Dynamic Pricing Strategy with the Effect of Advertising

  13. 几家公司联合行动以控制一种新产品的生产、定价和销售。

    Several companies acting together to control production , pricing , and distribution of a product .

  14. 本文在分析中间业务产品定价特点的基础上,对目前通行的两种中间业务产品定价方法进行了评析,并提出了新的中国业务产品定价方法&风险厘定定价法。

    According to the characteristics in commercial banks'intermediate business , the thesis appraises two passing pricing methods in products of intermediate business and brings forward the new pricing method on the basis of risk .

  15. 研究分析新产品开发营销管理中顾客与新产品的关系,新产品的定价策略、营销渠道策略和营销策略

    This paper studies the relationship between customers and new products in marketing management of new product development , the pricing strategy of new products , the strategy of marketing channel , and the strategy of marketing

  16. 论文的重点是为陕西移动的新业务制定一套营销策略体系,包括新业务目标市场的确定、新业务产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略以及促销策略。

    The paper will focus on making a new business strategy system for Shaanxi mobile , including the development of commercial flow of new business , identifying the target market of new business , product strategy of new business , pricing strategy , channel strategy and marketing strategy .

  17. 新产品的市场可以看作是一个寡头市场,从微观角度分析,利用寡头市场的利润最大化均衡来确定新产品的价格,对厂商的新产品定价有一定的启示。

    And the market of new products can be seemed as an oligarch market . And from the view of microcosmic , we can price the new products by using maximum profit equilibrium of oligarch market , which gives us some advice .