
  • 网络Samsonite;american tourister;samsonite black label
  1. 据报道,箱包厂商新秀丽公司(SamsoniteCorporation)也在考虑在香港上市。

    Samsonite Corporation , the luggage company , is reportedly also considering listing shares in Hong Kong .

  2. 同样,新秀丽(Samsonite)在对待时尚方面更认真,它没有把自己定位为时尚品牌,但却是一个提供流行与时尚旅行方案的品牌,也包括鞋子。

    Similarly , Samsonite is taking its fashionable side more seriously and pitching itself not as a fashion brand but rather as a brand offering stylish and fashionable travel solutions , as well as shoes ( see page 9 ) .

  3. 全球销售额最大的行李制造商新秀丽国际有限公司(SamsoniteInternational,简称:新秀丽)说,该公司调查人员在中国网络上发现可疑产品后会充当买家。

    Samsonite International , the world 's largest luggage company by sales , says its investigators pose as buyers when they spot suspect products online in China .

  4. 塔因瓦拉和新秀丽首席执行官蒂姆?帕克(TimParker)在一次采访中强调,中国仍是新秀丽非常重要的市场。

    In an interview , Tim Parker , Samsonite chief executive , and Mr Tainwala stress that China remains a very important market for the company .

  5. 周二,新秀丽公司(Samsonite)将在拉斯维加斯的旅行用品协会(TravelGoodsAssociation)展销会上推出新的GeoTrakR系列手提箱,它装备有LugLoc公司的手机操控行李追踪系统。

    On Tuesday , Samsonite will introduce a new line of GeoTrakR suitcases , containing a cellular-enabled baggage-tracking system from LugLoc , at the Travel Goods Association trade show in Las Vegas .

  6. 常驻香港的新秀丽副总裁PaulMelkebeke说,调查人员会大量订货,以期在针对假货商的法律案件中将其用作证据。

    The investigators place a sizeable order in hopes of using the goods as evidence in a legal case against the counterfeiters , according to Paul Melkebeke , a Hong Kong-based vice president for the luggage firm .

  7. 过去一年里,中国众多领域的商品都出现了购买增长大幅放缓的情况,从新秀丽(Samsonite)到苹果(Apple)等公司发布的中国销售数据都令人失望。

    Growth in purchases of a wide range of goods has slowed sharply over the past year , and companies ranging from Samsonite to Apple ( AAPL ) are reporting disappointing Chinese sales figures .

  8. 新秀丽Pro-DLX系列&全新休闲商务旅行之选

    Pro-DLX & Samsonite 's new collection that means casual business travel

  9. 新秀丽的全球创意总监昆汀麦凯(quentinmackay)表示,随着旅行市场走向高端,该品牌沿袭了它的fashionaire印花皮革旅行包系列。

    As travel goes upmarket , Quentin Mackay , its global creative director , says the brand has followed with its fashionaire printed-leather luggage range .

  10. 箱包制造商新秀丽(Samsonite)将65%的生产外包给中国公司,而近年来它的许多供应商已经搬到了位于长江三角洲的上海周边省份。

    Samsonite , the luggage maker that outsources about 65 per cent of its production to Chinese companies , has seen many of its vendors move to provinces around Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta .

  11. 新秀丽亚洲区总裁拉梅什?塔因瓦拉(RameshTainwala)表示,今年销售额增长率将下滑至少10个百分点,由去年的逾20%降至12%至15%之间。

    Ramesh Tainwala , Samsonite 's Asia head , says sales are expected to decline at least 10 percentage points from a growth rate of more than 20 per cent last year to 12-15 per cent this year .

  12. 33株苏云金芽孢杆菌对新秀丽小杆线虫的毒力测定

    Activities of 33 Bacillus thuringiensis strains spore-crystal proteins to nematodes

  13. 其他在香港上市的几家公司包括:之前提到的嘉能可、普拉达和旅行箱制造商新秀丽。

    Compare that with six listings in Hong Kong , including the aforementioned Glencore , Prada and luggage maker Samsonite .

  14. 因此,新秀丽在华对企业销售情况“很不景气”。

    As a result , there has been " a lot of slack " in Samsonite 's sales to businesses in China .

  15. 但与此同时,新秀丽必须和其他国际奢侈品牌一样,应对厉行节约运动下中国的新形势。

    But , in the meantime , Samsonite must join other global luxury brands in navigating the new austere landscape in China .

  16. 但若交易顺利实现,且新秀丽确定产品为假货,则公司会把产品转交给中国警方。

    But if the sale goes through , and Samsonite determines the products are fake , it turns them over to the Chinese police .

  17. 新秀丽公司说,它的新智能手提箱系列由防弹尼龙制成,将于夏末上市,共推出四个款式。

    Samsonite said its new line of smart suitcases , made of ballistic-weave nylon , would be in stores by late summer and come in four models .

  18. 帕克表示,他完全可以设想,再过个三四年左右,新秀丽将首次收购一家中国企业。

    Mr Parker says he can well imagine that in the next sort of three to four years that the company will make its first acquisition of a Chinese business .

  19. 帕克表示,他完全可以“设想,再过个三四年左右,新秀丽将首次收购一家中国企业”。

    Mr Parker says he can " well imagine that in the next sort of three to four years that the company will make its first acquisition of a Chinese business . "

  20. 据法新社报道,美国箱包制造商新秀丽上周二宣布,由于香港某消费者组织发现其东京时尚款行李箱零部件中可致癌化学物质含量过高,公司将在全球范围内召回该款行李箱。

    US company Samsonite said last Tuesday it was pulling its Tokyo Chic luggage from stores worldwide after a Hong Kong consumer group found parts contained high levels of chemicals that may cause cancer , AFP reported .

  21. 但若交易顺利实现,且新秀丽确定产品为假货,则公司会把产品转交给中国警方。警方或花上数周到几个月的时间来捣毁假货的销售及供应网。

    But if the sale goes through , and Samsonite determines the products are fake , it turns them over to the Chinese police . The police may take weeks to months to untangle the web of distributors and suppliers for the products .