
  • 网络Publicity;propaganda;journalism
  1. 在新兴媒体的冲击之下,高校传统的新闻宣传工作的实效逐渐被削弱。

    Under attack from new media , the effect of journalism in universities has been weakened .

  2. 掌握主动权打好主动仗打好主动仗,提高新闻宣传工作水平;

    Do well in the fighting for the initiative and improve the working standard of journalism and propaganda work ;

  3. 中国残疾人事业新闻宣传促进会

    China Association for Promotion of the Press and Publicity on Disability

  4. 坚持正确的舆论导向是新闻宣传的头等大事。

    Upholding the correct opinion orientation is crucial to press publicity .

  5. 后哥本哈根时代的新闻宣传和舆论监督

    On the News Communication and Public Opinion supervision in Post-Copenhagen Era

  6. 新闻宣传报道档案管理的问题及对策

    On the existent problems in news report archives management and countermeasures

  7. 加强和改进新时期军事新闻宣传之浅见一句话新闻始回顾

    Enhancing and Improving Military News Dissemination in the New History Period

  8. 高技术战争中我军军事新闻宣传的着力点

    The Key Point of Our Army 's Military Propaganda in High-tech War

  9. 深度报道是新闻宣传的支柱工程。

    Deep report is the supporting project for news propagation .

  10. 不断提高新闻宣传的水平,增强宣传效果。

    Raise the level of public information , enhance the publicity effect .

  11. 一战时期美国的新闻宣传与战争动员

    America 's News Propaganda and the War Mobilization during the First World War

  12. 坚持新闻宣传实事求是的原则

    Adhering to Practical and Realistic Principles for News Propaganda

  13. 西部地区教育新闻宣传信息增殖刍议

    A Rustic Opinion to the Propagation of Educational Information in the Western Areas

  14. 他的一生既是革命的一生,也是新闻宣传的一生。

    His life is both revolutionary life , as well as news life .

  15. 三贴近是符合新闻宣传与新闻宣传的基本规律的。

    " Three-Approach " conforms to the dissemination of news and its principle .

  16. 影响党报新闻宣传效果的因素分析

    An observation of the factors affecting the publicity effect of the Party 's newspapers

  17. 新闻宣传必须正确把握好舆论导向

    Press Publicity must Uphold the Correct Opinion Orientation

  18. 论新闻宣传四原则

    On " Four principle " of News Propaganda

  19. 典型报道一直以来都是电视新闻宣传的拳头产品。

    Typical report has long been the most competitive product in TV propagandistic news .

  20. 认真做好司法行政新闻宣传工作

    Seriously Engage in the Journalist Work and the Awareness Campaign Relating to Justice Administration

  21. 高职院校新闻宣传工作的研究和思考

    Research on News Propaganda in Higher Vocational Colleges

  22. 三江源自然保护与新闻宣传工作

    On the three river sources and news propaganda

  23. 实施新闻宣传精品工程的理论思考

    Theoretical Thought on Carry out Good Products Project

  24. 那些令人恐惧的新闻宣传也在帮倒忙。

    And those fear-inducing headlines aren 't helping .

  25. 新建地方性本科院校的新闻宣传工作

    News publicity work of newly-built local universities

  26. 精品生产是河北省全部新闻宣传工作中的重中之重。

    Top-new production is the most important issue of all the press publicity in Hebei .

  27. 然后提出了作者所说的新闻宣传模式,并深入分析了其特点。

    Then the dissertation introduces the pattern of Press Publicity and Persuasion and explores its characters .

  28. 高校新闻宣传工作是党的宣传思想工作的一个有机组成部分。

    The propaganda of colleges and universities is a component part of the Party 's propaganda .

  29. 西部大开发与军事新闻宣传

    Western Development and Military Press Media

  30. 其主要内容有:武装斗争与新闻宣传并重的思想;

    The major thoughts are as follows : To stress both armed struggle and news propaganda ;