
  • Propaganda control;【计】constant value control
  1. 目的:了解长春地区的结核病疫情,评价宣传对控制疫情的效果。

    Objective To realize the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in ChangChun district , Evaluate and propagate the efficiency of controlling epidemiological situation .

  2. 该科研项目对飞机制造商,航空公司在飞机设计宣传,控制成本方面有着极其重要的意义。

    The project is of great significance for aircraft manufactures and airlines to evaluate direct operating cost ( DOC ) and control aircraft design .

  3. 其次,对边防团宣传工作指挥控制过程进行分析。

    Second , it analyses the process of the commanding and controlling .

  4. ⑨加强反恐怖宣传和新闻控制。

    Reinforcing to propagate the ideas on fighting with terrorism and control news media .

  5. 他们主要是电影明星,他们的宣传人员完全控制关于他们的消息。

    They were primarily movie stars , and their publicists totally controlled the news about them .

  6. 边防团宣传工作指挥控制系统分析与设计研究

    Research on Analysis and Design of Command and Control System for Propaganda Work of Frontier Defense Regiment

  7. 当美国宣传象生育控制和母乳喂养等观念时,即应看成是国际营销。

    When the United Nations promotes such concepts as birth control and breast feeding , this should be viewed as international marketing .

  8. 之前的活动将重心放在了垃圾食品、儿童、不道德药品宣传、企业控制食品链上。

    Previous campaigns have focused on junk food and children , unethical drug promotion , access for all to energy , and corporate control of the food chain .

  9. 结论复州城地区存在肝吸虫感染的自然疫源地,注意饮食习惯和加强卫生宣传教育是控制本病感染和传播的重要措施。

    Conclusion Fuzhou town existed breeding ground of Clonorchis sinensis . Improving eating habits and strengthening health propaganda were significant means of controling the infection and dissemination of clonorchiasis .

  10. 论周秦之际中国天下一统观念的演化过程当美国宣传象生育控制和母乳喂养等观念时,即应看成是国际营销。

    On the Evolution of the Concept of China 's Unification During Zhou and Qin Period When the United Nations promotes such concepts as birth control and breast feeding , this should be viewed as international marketing .

  11. 结论淋病仍然是高危女性中感染最高的性传播疾病,加强对高危女性性病防治知识的宣传教育,对控制STD的蔓延传播具有重要意义。

    Gonorrhea of the female at high risk still ranked first . Thus propaganda and public health education of STD control to female at high risk should be further strengthened in order to control STD.

  12. 宣传教育:预防控制艾滋病的首要环节&关于艾滋病宣传教育若干问题的研究与思考

    Propaganda and Education are Chief Tache of Preventing and Controlling Aids

  13. 宣传教育是预防控制艾滋病的重要手段。

    Advertisement and education are two important ways to prevent and control the spread of Aids .

  14. 结论:严密观察病情、合理用药,作好心理护理及饮食管理,预防感染,加强相关卫生知识宣传教育,是控制血糖,减少并发症发生,提高患儿生活质量必不可少的重要环节。

    Conclusion : The elaborative observation 、 correct medication 、 mental nursing and infection prevention are essential elements for the diabetic children to control the serum glucose and reduce the complication .