
  • 网络declaration of trust;Declaration Trust
  1. 所谓宣言信托,并没有一个统一的定义。

    Concerning declaration of trust , there is no specific definition .

  2. 第三部分回归到我国,具体分析了我国是否有允许设立宣言信托的必要,以及在现有法律体制下,允许设立宣言信托是否可行。

    The third part analyzes if it is necessary to permit the creation of the declaration of trust in our country , as well as in our existing legal system , if it is feasible to allow the establishment of the declaration of trust .

  3. 并在此基础上,对比分析了日本和我国台湾地区移植宣言信托后,对宣言信托是如何界定和限制的。

    On this basis , the second part analyzes what definition and limitation the trust law of Japan and Taiwan puts on the declaration of trust after transplantation .

  4. 因此,引入宣言信托或选择信托公司为受托人可以化解融资融券交易中的信托关系与法律冲突,确立让与担保的合法地位可以消除其法律困境,尽快对融资融券账户作出司法解释。

    Therefore , the trust or declaration of choice for the trustee trust companies can dissolve margin trading relationship with the trust law of conflict , the establishment of the legal status guarantee its legal trouble , can eliminate margin account as soon as possible to make the judicial interpretation .

  5. 执行北京宣言和行动纲要信托基金;

    Trust fund for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and platform for action ;