
  • Brochure;pamphlet
  1. 下载seal宣传册和技术说明书。

    Download the seal brochure and specifications .

  2. Web站点同时也是名片、宣传册、公文包、目录、邀请函、年度报告和广告。

    A Web site is simultaneously a business card , a brochure , a portfolio , a catalog , an invitation , an annual report , an advertisement , and an outpost .

  3. 他们被发现持有宗教宣传册。

    Religious pamphlets were found in their possession .

  4. 我们花了数小时仔细阅读旅游宣传册。

    We spent hours poring over travel brochures

  5. 他给新西兰政府去函,索取介绍新西兰生活的宣传册。

    He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for these pamphlets about life in New Zealand .

  6. 他们经常会收到关于人身安全问题的宣传册,但因为大量文案工作缠身,他们几乎无暇阅读。

    They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety , but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with

  7. 她的职责包括分发宣传册和接听电话。

    Her responsibilities include handing out brochures and answering the phone .

  8. 麦肯纳让自己的团队为AppleII设计宣传册。

    McKenna had his team get to work on brochures for the Apple II .

  9. 这次FDA亲自管理此药,印刷宣传册来解释此药的危险性。

    This time , the agency is directing drug makers to issue brochures that explain the dangers in plain language .

  10. 你应该不想让这些被放到hearst的宣传册里。

    Don 't think you want that getting into the Hearst brochure .

  11. sec还指控巴特对相关资产“几乎没有、甚至完全没有进行过分析”,尽管一份投资宣传册和发行说明书声称他对相关资产进行过分析。

    He also allegedly " performed little-to-no analysis " on the assets , the SEC alleges , despite representations in a pitch book and offering circular that he had .

  12. 我们作为度假者,追求的是不真实的印度、超现实的印度,我们追求的现实,仿佛是经过Photoshop调整,精心编排到酒店宣传册里的图片。

    It 's the unreal India , the surreal India we seek out as holiday-makers , a reality as Photoshopped and curated as a picture in a hotel brochure .

  13. 干预方式包括编制宣传册、填写WHP活动记录册等形式。

    It included the preparation of brochures , filling record book of WHP activities and so forth .

  14. PDF文档的设计是为了在纸张上打印,而不是在电脑屏幕上阅读,但人们以数字形式分享文件(尤其是产品说明书、宣传册以及任何曾印制成小册子的东西)时仍然常常采用PDF格式。

    PDFs were designed to be printed on paper , not viewed on computer screens , but the format is still popular for sharing documents digitally ( especially product manuals , brochures and anything that was once a booklet ) .

  15. “持久,美貌,日常”的色调-尽管不知道一共会有多少种颜色-这个系列会包括大胆,丰富的红色,浆果和棕色,非常适合秋冬季节,所以毫不奇怪它们会被用于Zara2018秋季女装宣传册的拍摄里。

    The " long-lasting , spectacular , ready-to-wear " shades - however many of them there many truly be - include bold , rich reds , berries , and browns that are perfect for fall and winter , so it 's no surprise that they were used on the models for the AW18 Zara Woman campaign shoot .

  16. 店铺的付款原则并不够传播此信息,所以Elana还准备了用来分发的宣传册,上面写着:“女性应得的是什么?”,上面叙述了宾州和全国不同性别之间存在的工资差异。同时,还给女性一些谈薪资更好的建议。

    As if the store 's pricing policy was not enough to get the message across , Elana also distributed pamphlets . Entitled " What Are Women Worth ? , " it explained the status of the wage gap both in Pennsylvania and across the country , and also gave women tips on how to better negotiate salaries .

  17. 有14.4%的学生参加过预防艾滋病健康教育活动,10.9%的学生领到相关宣传册;

    14.4 % students attended health education activities for AIDS prevention .

  18. 地面支持设备和飞机保养工具的宣传册。

    Brochures of ground support equipment , tools for aircraft maintenance .

  19. 如果还没有我这里正好有个宣传册

    Because if you not , I have a pamphlet here that

  20. 棒极了!谢谢!有关于希腊的宣传册吗?

    Brilliant ! thanks ! did you get some for Greece ?

  21. 宣传册设计的校稿已经出来了。

    Man : The proofs for the brochure design have come .

  22. 不过我们的宣传册仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。

    Actually the brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools .

  23. 我们的宣传册和定单也很少。

    And we have very few brochures and order forms .

  24. 可不可以把你们公司的宣传册给我一份?

    A : Could you give me a brochure describing your company ?

  25. 我去了旅行社,拿了这本宣传册。

    I went to the travel agent 's and got the brochures .

  26. 我们的宣传册上有。

    I 'm sure this pamphlet will answer your question .

  27. 这是我们酒店的宣传册和价目表。

    Here is a brochure of our hotel and our price list .

  28. 你们的宣传册里有啊,年轻人。

    C1 : But it says in your brochure , young man .

  29. 学生正在火车站分发选举宣传册。

    Students were handing out election leaflets at the station .

  30. 书籍设计、宣传册设计、包装设计和海报设计作品请提交原件。

    Catalogue , Book , Package and Poster please submit original works .