
  • 网络CHINA;Perodua;Made cars;domestic car
  1. 办公室职员张世(音译)在上海一家购物中心看到了这款轿车,他表示:“对国产车而言,要想获得低价格或高性能,你通常只能放弃外观。”

    Zhang Shi , an office worker who saw the car at a Shanghai shopping mall , said : " usually , for domestic made cars , you have to give up the looks to get a lower price or better function . "

  2. FRP在我国汽车制造业中的应用&调查1990年北京国际汽车展览会国产车FRP部件有感

    The applications of FRP in the automotive industry of China

  3. 用国产车用无铅汽油进行L-38台架试验

    Sequence VIII Bench Test Using Domestic Unleaded Gasoline for Vehicle Use

  4. 国产车用户&何日能圆上帝梦

    When Can Domestic Motor Vehicle Customers Realize Their " God " Dreams

  5. 国产车与进口车的部分通用件

    Some Common Parts for Home-Made and Import Vehicles

  6. 对发展国产车用液化气的思考

    Thinking on developing domestic motor liquified gas

  7. 2007年第一季度最受欢迎的运动车型都是国产车。

    Domestics top the list of the 10 most popular sports cars for the first quarter of 2007 .

  8. 在这种情况下,随着世界各大汽车品牌进入中国市场,国产车与进口车之间的市场竞争日趋激烈,成为市场焦点之一。

    So with many famous automobile companies entering the domestic market , the competition becomes more and more serious .

  9. 涅姆佐夫坚称,俄罗斯部长应将座驾从奔驰换为国产车,这类吸引眼球的提议让他登上了新闻头条。

    He grabbed headlines with eye-catching initiatives such as insisting that Russian ministers switch from Mercedes to domestically produced cars .

  10. (五)内可开办使用国产车的中外合资经营的旅游汽车公司。外国子公司的属公司

    Tourist automobile companies with Chinese-made automobiles and in co-operation with foreign investors may be established within the areas . foreign sub-subsidiary

  11. 一点也感觉不到世界诶其它地方汽车业界所笼罩的不景气行情,中国国产车吸引大批人群。

    There was little sense of the gloom prevailing elsewhere in the industry & and Chinese-made cars seemed to draw the biggest crowds .

  12. 根据国产车用柴油机的排气烟度现状,论证了采用排气微粒过滤器的必要性。

    The necessity of introducing exhaust particulate trap in domestic automotive diesels was discussed on the basis of the present exhaust smoke situation .

  13. 过去,在接受底特律电视台的采访时,麦凯恩曾表示为购买国产车而感到自豪。

    In the past , McCain has said he was proud to buy American cars , including in an interview on a Detroit television station .

  14. 他之前生成经常购买国产车(美国车),但据报道他家的车队中就包括日本本田和德国大众。他也因撒谎而受到大家的指责。

    He was accused of not telling the truth about always buying American cars , as the family fleet reportedly includes a Honda and a Volkswagen .

  15. 曾几何时,销售商担心美国国产车永远不会赢得婴儿潮一代的青睐,因为它们从来没有机会一展风采。

    For years , marketers have worried that baby boomers would be permanently lost as customers for domestic cars because they had never been exposed to them .

  16. 本文在建立鼓式制动器高频噪声问题的结构闭环耦合计算模型的基础上,对某国产车的高频噪声问题进行了计算分析。

    In the paper , a computational analysis on drum brake squeal in some home - made vehicles is carried out based on close - loop coupling model .

  17. 同时,由于国产车与进口车在性能以及设计方面存在差异,因而我国居民的总体收入水平会对市场需求产生影响。

    Meanwhile , domestic cars and imported cars in performance and design differences , and thus the overall income level of residents will have an impact on market demand .

  18. 而婴儿潮时期出生的布鲁斯-斯普林斯汀和其他年轻人一起,用大量歌曲诗化了国产车的形象,《雷鸣道》和《街头赛车》就是在那时涌现的。

    Baby boomer Bruce Springsteen idealized domestic cars , along with youth , in many songs , including " Thunder Road " and " Racing in the Streets " .

  19. 对其购置的国产车,在的数量内,国家免征横向配套费、辆购置附加费和特别消费税。

    Chinese-made automobiles purchased by the companies within a verified quantity shall be exempted from the horizontal supporting fees , surcharges for purchases of motor vehicles and extra consumption taxes .

  20. 而一旦汇率以及油价发生大幅波动,也将引发了国内消费者在同类车型中对国产车以及进口车进行抉择。

    Once the exchange rate and oil price volatility occurs , it will lead to the domestic consumers in similar models of domestically produced cars and imported cars for choice .

  21. 一些工业分析家表示,美国三大汽车制造商截止今年销售量持续低迷,显示美国人对国产车已开始感到失望。

    Dismal car sales so far this year by the " Big Three " U.S.manufacturers could be a sign that Americans are becoming disenchanted with the quality of homemade models , some industry analysts say .

  22. 这一金额是在1993年定下的,那时新的乘用车每加仑油可以在美国道路上平均行驶28.4英里,最畅销的国产车在城里可以行驶18英里,在高速公路上可以行驶27英里。

    That amount was set in 1993 , when the average new passenger car on American roads got 28.4 miles per gallon ( mpg ) , and the best-selling American car got 18mpg in the city and 27 on highways .

  23. 入世后,进口汽车的增加无疑将刺激国内汽车市场需求,挤占市场份额,国产车将全面与国外进口车展开直接的较量,我国的汽车生产企业将直接面对国际强手的竞争。

    After the accession to the WTO , imported automotives will undoubtedly stimulate the demand on automotives in China and the imported cars will strive to occupy the domestic market . The domestic made cars has to face the direct competition of imported cars .

  24. 另一方面,世界上很多国家对进口车的认证制度中添加了对报废汽车回收利用的方面的条款,无形中提高了对中国国产车走出去的要求,我国汽车出口面临着巨大挑战。

    On the other hand , some terms about scrap cars recycling have be added to the certification system of imported car in many countries of the world , which virtually makes China face with a big challenge that improves the requirements for Chinese cars exporting .

  25. 相关的后续改进工作验证了本文研究结果的实用性,为提高国产皮卡车的NVH性能提供了重要的支持。

    The following improvement work proves the practicability of conclusion and offers important support for improving NVH properties of domestic pickups .

  26. 国产消防车常见的腐蚀形式与防护措施

    Common corrosion forms and protective measures of domestic fire engine

  27. 国产汽油车用催化转化器的机遇和挑战

    Opportunity and Challenge to Domestic Catalytic Converter for Gasoline-fueled Vehicle

  28. 谈国产内燃机车低压燃油系统改进的必要性

    Necessity of improving the low pressure fuel system of domestic diesel locomotive

  29. 对于改进国产内燃机车冷却系统的几项建议

    A Few Propositions to Improving the Cooling System of Diesel Locomotives Made in China

  30. 提高国产压裂车技术装备水平的建议

    Suggestions for improving home-made fracturing trucks