
rì chénɡ biǎo
  • schedule;agenda
日程表 [rì chéng biǎo]
  • [calendar] 根据日期安排活动顺序及内容的表格

  1. 他的工作日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。

    His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances .

  2. 排得很紧的日程表说明他真的非常忙。

    The heavy schedule indicates that he is really busy .

  3. 这是全年赛马日程表中最重要的几个星期之一。

    This is one of the biggest weeks in the racing calendar .

  4. 他将从中斡旋,以尽力制订出一个日程表。

    He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda .

  5. 依照大学的日程表,你们的考试将在7月举行。

    According to the university calendar your examinations will be in July .

  6. 总统选举是明年政治日程表上的大事。

    The presidential election is the highlight of next year 's political calendar .

  7. 他的个人日程表上记着5月5日有个约会。

    There is a notation about an appointment on his personal calendar for May 5 .

  8. 我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧班。

    I juggled cross - country and track schedules , newspaper staff , and my church 's youth group and drama team .

  9. 哈佛商学院教授莱斯利·佩洛解释说,当人们感受到总是需要“在线”的压力时,就会找到办法来适应这种压力,例如,改变日程表、工作习惯和减少与家人和朋友的互动。

    Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow explains that when people feel the pressure to be always " on , " they find ways to accommodate that pressure , including altering their schedules , work habits and interactions with family and friends .

  10. B:(看日程表)恩,好,好。

    B : ( Going over the schedule ) Mm , yes , yes .

  11. 每个日程表条目都存在HTML的span元素中。

    Each calendar entry exists in a span element in the HTML .

  12. 日程表的新特性包括联邦(federation)和横向滚动条。

    New features of the calendar include federation and a horizontal scroll bar .

  13. 使用本文给出的工具和代码,您现在就可以在Google日程表中存储加密事件文本。

    With the tools and code presented in this article , you can now store encrypted event text only in Google Calendar .

  14. 您将再次使用JSON和Ajax,??过这次是启用日程表和标志云。

    You 'll use JSON and Ajax again but this time to enable calendars and tag-clouds .

  15. 而且,LotusNotesTraveler可以实时地同步电子邮件、日程表、待办事项、地址簿和日志数据。

    Lotus Notes Traveler synchronizes email , calendar , to-do , address book , and journal data in real time .

  16. 按照日程表上的计划,直到2月底宣美仍将继续与WonderGirls一起在美国进行活动。

    Mimi will remain with the Wonder Girls in the U.S. , continuing with any scheduled performances and activities until the end of February .

  17. 每次你在iPad日程表上新建或更改商业会见时,这就是在办公。

    Every time you make or change a business appointment on an iPad calendar , that 's productivity .

  18. 这项业务的主要想法是为用户复制无缝的即时电子邮件、联系人和日程表更新服务,相当于企业用户通过微软Exchange系统享受的服务。

    The main idea was to replicate for consumers the kind of seamless , over-the-air email , plus contact and calendar updating , available to corporate users via systems like Microsoft 's Exchange .

  19. 新投资的一项服务是日程表和预约服务,您需要编写该服务的wsdl。

    One of the newly-funded services is a calendar and appointment service , and you now need to write the WSDL for it .

  20. 让老板把你纳入他的日程表,Augustine说。

    Get on your boss 's calendar , says Augustine .

  21. 肖恩教授(ProfessorShane)手上肯定掌控着一个危险的日程表,但他保护邦妮(Bonnie)是出于某种目的的。

    Professor Shane definitely has a dangerous agenda , but he 's also very motivated to protect Bonnie .

  22. 编写您自己的程序,借助GoogleCalendarSOAPAPI提取、加密和存储以前和将来的日程表事件。

    Write your own program using the Google Calendar SOAP API 's to extract , encrypt , and store every calendar event in the past and future .

  23. NASA除了空间站之外,还有其他的工作,这个在亚特兰蒂斯号船员的日程表上就很清楚。

    NASA isn 't nearly done investing in the station , however , and the agenda of Atlantis'crew makes that clear .

  24. 一个电话都没给我回对不起,keepupwith:跟上,不落后schoolwork:学校功课calendar:日程表要把学校功课,新春社交日程还有我的新男朋友协调好,比我想象的要难。

    You haven 't returned any of my calls . - Jenny : Sorry . It 's been harder than I thought to keep up with schoolwork and the new spring social calendar and my new boyfriend . -

  25. Mozilla团队希望将Firefox的开发转到日程表驱动的开发流程上以加速发布速度。

    The Mozilla team wants to switch Firefox development to a schedule-driven process to speed up releases .

  26. 随着3G技术和相关业务的成熟,3G商用已被国内各大电信运营商提上了日程表。

    Along with the maturity of the 3G technology and related business , commercial application of 3G has been placed on the agenda by domestic major telecommunication operators .

  27. Ryan的高级咨询顾问希瑟•哈里森(HeatherHarrison)说,员工们会把他们的日常安排发到共享的Outlook日程表上,并且经常在电话会议上讨论问题。

    Employees post their schedules on shared Outlook calendars and talk often on conference calls , says Heather Harrison , a senior consultant .

  28. 新的日程表窗口允许用户添加来自GoogleCalendar条目、其他LotusNotes用户的日程表或iCal提要的日程表。

    A new calendar window allows users to add calendars from Google Calendar entries , another Lotus Notes user 's calendar , or an iCal feed .

  29. 我们来看一个例子,登录到GoogleCalendar帐户然后导航到日程表设置,找到您个人的日程表私有地址URL。

    To see an example , log into your Google Calendar account , navigate to your calendar settings , and find the link for your calendar 's private address URL .

  30. orderer角色对处理传递日程表负责。

    The orderer role is responsible for processing the shipping schedule .