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  • coronagraph
  1. NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(JamesWebbSpaceTelescope)将于2018年发射,它上面也将安装一台能看到木星大小的行星的日冕仪,但现在已经来不及对它进行调整,使它能使用遮星板。

    NASA 's James Webb Space Telescope , due for a 2018 launch , will have a coronagraph capable of seeing Jupiter-size planets , but it is too late to adapt it to a star shade .

  2. 由NASA戈达德航天中心(GoddardSpaceflightCenter)的卡尔·斯塔佩尔费尔德特(KarlStapelfeldt)所带领的另一个小组正在研究被称作日冕仪(coronagraph)另一种办法。根据这种办法,挡板会被放在望远镜里面。

    Another group , led by Karl Stapelfeldt of NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center , is studying the alternative method known as a coronagraph , in which the occulting disk is inside the telescope .

  3. 现在常用白光日冕仪的观测来研究日冕物质抛射的传输和演化过程,因而如何恰当地理解白光日冕仪中的CME的观测特征对太阳和空间物理领域的许多相关研究至关重要。

    Observations of white-light coronagraphs are widely used to study the propagation and evolution of CMEs , and thus how to properly understand CMEs viewed in white-light coronagraphs is crucial to many relative researches in solar and space physics .

  4. 日冕仪和用于观察太阳日冕的类似仪器

    Coronograph and similar instruments , for observing the sun 's corona

  5. 它的亮度仅为光球的百万分之一,只有在日全食时或用特制的日冕仪才能看见。

    The brightness of its light ball only parts per million , and only in the total solar eclipse or with a special instrument to see the corona .