
  • 网络sedna
  1. 关于冥王星你所说的是对的,但是你忽视了超远距离的物体是最近才发现的,比如塞德娜。

    Well , what you said about Pluto is true , but you left out super-distant object is only found recently , such as Sedna .

  2. 而且如果这样的话,为什么夸欧尔、塞德娜及其它星体不是呢?它们比冥王星小些,但没小那多。

    And if so , why not Quaoar and Sedna , and several other worlds , which were smaller than Pluto , but not by much ?

  3. 但是塞德娜也许有其自己的卫星,而且如果它能离得更近,我们也许很久以前就称其为行星了。

    But Sedna may have a moon of its own , and if it were a lot closer , we might have called it a planet long ago .

  4. 然而,塞德娜已经让很多人着迷了,因为它能反射太阳光呈微红色,使得天文学家们困惑它到底是由什么组成的。

    Sedna is already fascinating folks , though , because it is very reflective and reddish colored , confusing astronomers as to what it might be made of .

  5. 由于塞德娜那么远又那么小,因此帕萨迪纳市加州理工学院的天文学家们于今年第一次发现它。

    Sedna is so distant , and tiny , that it was only discovered for the first time this year by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena .

  6. 塞德娜被称为“小行星”,其体积大小为冥王星的四分之三,比月球小一点。

    Sedna 's been dubbed a " planetoid " - think of it as a mini-planet , three quarters as big as Pluto . It 's smaller than our moon .