
  1. 离子推进系统在黎明号探测器上的应用及其思考

    Application of Ion Propulsion System in Dawn Spacecraft

  2. 一年后,黎明号探测器将离开灶神星的轨道,计划在2015年到达谷神星,它是小行星带中唯一一颗比灶神星大的小行星。

    After a year of studying Vesta , Dawn is scheduled to leave orbit and , in2015 , approach the only asteroid-belt object that is larger : Ceres .

  3. 这颗名为“黎明”的探测器看起来未能如期启动火箭发动机,助其入轨。

    The probe , called Akatsuki , which means dawn , appears to have not fired its engines enough to inject it into the proper orbit .

  4. “黎明”号探测器对公众来说可能是一个新来者,但它其实已经存在一段时间了,是在2007年发射的。

    Dawn may be something of a newcomer to the public eye , but actually has been around for awhile ; it was first launched in2007 .