
  • 网络Lebanese civil war
  1. 由于一九七五年至一九七六年的黎巴嫩内战,许多难民家庭被迫流离。

    As a result of the civil war in Lebanon in1975-1976many refugee families were displaced .

  2. 如果黎巴嫩内战再次爆发,以色列和叙利亚也很有可能再次介入,如此将导致目前的中东和平进程发生逆行,滑向另一场中东战争。

    If Lebanon were to blow up again , Israel and Syria could well step in once more , turning the current Middle East peace process into a slide back towards war .

  3. 叙利亚在黎巴嫩内战时占领了黎巴嫩30多年,黎巴嫩许多逊尼派穆斯林仍然对此仍很愤恨。

    Many Sunni Lebanese still resent nearly 30 years of Syria occupation during Lebanon Civil War . Since Syrian troops withdrew in 2005 , the Iranian banked militant and political group Hezbollah has boosted its standing among Lebanese Shi'ites .

  4. 黎巴嫩教派结构及其内战

    The Sectarian Structure of Lebanon and Its Civil War

  5. 对反叙利亚的政客进行攻击是黎巴嫩自1975-1990年内战以来最严重的一次政治暴力,它导致了叙利亚在黎巴嫩29年驻军后的撤军。

    The attack on anti-Syria politicians was one of the worst acts of political violence throughout Lebanon since the 1975-1990 Civil War and led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon after 29-year presence .