
  • 网络Li language;lic;Hlai language
  1. 新词的融入会带来一部分本民族词汇的的消亡,但是也可以从中得出黎语自身的语言系统对黎语发展的积极作用。

    New words into the part will lead to the demise of native vocabulary , but also have positive roles in the li language system .

  2. 临高语黎语关系词的文化内涵

    Cultural Features of Correspondent Words in Lingao and Li Languages

  3. 因此,我们今天所称的法语,事实上是中古巴黎语的一种版本。

    Therefore , what we today call French is really a version of medieval Parisian .

  4. 黎语地名汉字译音规则汉英名词习惯用法与汉译英的准确性

    Contrastive Study of Noun Usage Between Chinese and English and the Accuracy in Translation from Chinese into English

  5. 这不仅与汉语北方类型大相径庭,而且与汉语南方类型也差别很大,然而却与岛上非汉语系统的黎语、临高语和村话相同。

    Such an appellation , quite different from that of both the northern and southern Chinese Dialects , is similar to that of the non Chinese dialects in Hainan like Li dialect , Lingao dialect and Cun dialect .