
  • 网络GiGi;gigi lai;Gigi Lai Chi;Lai Chi;LAIPOSE
  1. 前日,黎姿透过《东张西望》亲证已经完婚的喜讯,大晒幸福。

    The day before yesterday , Gigi through the " look around " pro-marriage certificate has been good news , big happiness .

  2. “我和黎姿打牌去了!”她说。

    " I 'm going to go play cards with Lizzy !" she said .

  3. 透过厨房的窗子,妈妈和爸爸看到他们的女儿沿着洒满阳光的路上跑向黎姿的家。

    From the kitchen window , Mama and papa watched their daughter run down the sunny road toward Lizzy 's house .

  4. 在个人事业的一个巅峰选择急流勇退,黎姿的决定里闪烁着知足常乐哲学光芒。

    Quits while ahead at an individual enterprise 's mountain peak choice , in Li Zi the decision glitters is being a happy person the philosophy ray .